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WoWBench » FAQ

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WoWBench Frequently Asked Questions

I put WoWBench in Interface/Addons but it doesn't work?

  • Please read WoWBench/Installing. WoWBench is not an AddOn. It is as replacement for WoW, that you can run AddOns inside.

Hey! GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft() isn't implemented!

  • Nope. It's a community project. People mostly chip in by implementing functions that they need, as they need them. You're welcome to do so yourself or put it in the API_wish_list, no guarantees on when it'll get done though. ;)

Does this really work?

  • Yep! Some AddOns can go from alpha to release only living inside WoWBench. (Well, almost, you probably want to test it in-game, too =)). It all depends on what APIs you use. If they all already exist, you're fine and dandy. If not, you might be in for some API hacking.
  • Even if some APIs are missing, you can probably still use WoWBench to debug bits and pieces of your AddOn. Lua doesn't complain about missing functions until something actually tries to call them!

So, how do I add something that's missing?

How do I tweak an already-existing API to work better for my tests?

Can I run it under Linux?

  • Yes. Just get a Lua parser for your platform and you're good to go.
  • Currently, it will be a little slower because some speedups rely on cmd.exe commands. This will be fixed. (See WoWBench/To do.)

What about the XML? That's not handled, right?

  • Sure it is. WoWBench parses all the XML in FrameXML as well as in your AddOns. Nothing would work otherwise. The XML parser is probably a lot more lenient than Blizzard's own parser as to what object attributes it will allow, etc, but it does the job!
  • If you want strict XML verification, I suggest you load Blizzard's "UI.xsd" into an XML editor and verify your XML that way.

Community Project? What's the license?

  • WoWBench is released under a BSD-style license, which basically means anyone can do whatever they want with it, but needs to attribute the effort to the "WoWBench developer community" if used anywhere.

Cool! How can I contribute?
