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For the cat, see Fiona (cat).
Image of Fiona
Gender Female
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Holy Priest
Resource Mana
Occupation Caravan owner, Vendor, Herbalist
Location Various
Status Alive
Companion(s) Tarenar Sunstrike, Gidwin Goldbraids

Fiona is a worgen quest giver in the Eastern Plaguelands in Lordaeron and later in Shadowmoon Valley on Draenor. She can be first found near the bridge to Western Plaguelands and at the entrance to the bog near the Draakorium.



Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

In the Eastern Plaguelands, the adventurers traveled alongside her caravan to various locations performing various tasks for her and her companions, eventually settling at Light's Hope Chapel.

Warlords of Draenor[]

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Fiona fighting against the Iron Horde.

Her caravan later followed the Alliance into Draenor, specifically Shadowmoon Valley, composed of pretty much the same members as before save for Pamela Redpath and Vex'tul, with Talren Highbeacon as a new addition. After passing through the Draakorium and near by the Blademoon Bloom, Rimblat Earthshatter, Argus Highbeacon and Talren are captured by the botani and Gidwin Goldbraids is poisoned.

Back at the Draakorium a few hours later, the Alliance commander was informed of the botani aggression and that the caravan could be in danger. After catching up to them, the commander helped them find a cure, rescued the prisoners, and ran errands for Beezil Linkspanner so he could make some profit from the native draenei females' obsessions with their horns' appearance.

Afterwards, Fiona spoke with the rest of the caravan, and they agreed to rest their wagon for a while, thus allowing her to repay the commander by joining their forces at Lunarfall. Later on, Fiona can be seen again, by Alliance players, outside Bladefury's Command, Talador, as part of the Lunarfall forces fighting the Iron Horde in the battle that preceded Azuka Bladefury's fall. She can also be seen watching fights between garrison commanders in the Coliseum of Highmaul.


Fiona in Boralus.

Battle for Azeroth[]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Fiona and her famous stagecoach can be found at the harbor in Boralus, the capital city of Kul Tiras.

Fiona in the Waking Shores

In the Waking Shores.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Fiona and her caravan are found in the Expedition Basecamp in the Waking Shores. She notes that her group had briefly split up when the boys joined the Knights of the Silver Hand in the war against the Legion, but recently found Tarenar and Gidwin again, happy to be traveling together once more.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Eastern Plaguelands 15-30 Alliance Horde As part of the Eastern Plaguelands storyline.
Fiona's Caravan, Shadowmoon Valley 25-30 Alliance Horde
Lunarfall 10-40 Alliance
Coliseum 40 Alliance Horde
Talador 40 Alliance
Boralus Harbor, Boralus 10-50 Alliance Horde
Expedition Basecamp, Waking Shores 60-62 Alliance Horde


  • Spell holy dispelmagic Dispel Magic — Dispels Magic on a friendly target. Removes 1 harmful spell and makes them immune to Magic for 5 sec.
  • Spell holy greaterheal Heal — A slow casting spell that heals a single target for up to 10 hit points.
  • Spell holy holysmite Holy Smite — Smites target enemy, inflicting Holy damage.
  • Spell shadow mindshear Mind Sear — Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the target, dealing periodic Shadow damage to all enemies within 0 yards around the target every 1 sec. over 5 sec.

As a follower[]

Fiona is a Holy Priest with the following abilities:

  • Herbalism - Grants herbalism benefits and boosts work orders when assigned to the Herb Garden.
  • Dispel Magic - Cast by a priest to remove a harmful magic effect.
  • Leap of Faith - Cast by a priest to help the target escape harm's way (or just to mess with them).
  • Prayer of Healing - Cast by a priest to heal a group of allies.
  • Mind Sear - Cast by a priest to damage many enemies.


Eastern Plaguelands
Shadowmoon Valley


Inv fabric wool 02 [Fine Thread]
Inv misc food 20 5x [Goldenbark Apple]
Inv misc food 10 5x [Homemade Cherry Pie]
Inv drink milk 01 5x [Ice Cold Milk]
1s 25c
Inv jewelry ring 07 [Miniscule Diamond Ring]
Inv drink 02 5x [Moonberry Juice]
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
Inv drink 12 5x [Sweet Nectar]
Inv bracer 08 [Tanned Leather Bracers]
10s 26c


  • Where are those lunkheads?
  • Looks like they found their way back home. I'm relieved.
    You came back, too! Are you interested in joining us?
  • I'd like to set up shop in Light's Hope Chapel someday. I'm not much of a fighter, but that doesn't mean I can't help the cause.
  • I hope you've made yourself welcome to the items inside my caravan. If we're not using them, you might as well borrow them.
  • By the way, you're welcome to borrow any supplies you find inside the caravan... as long as you bring them back when you're done!
Light's Hope Chapel
  • Well, well... look who's here!
  • Good to see you again, <name>!
  • Hey, <name>! You here to visit, or did you want to buy something?

Buy Let me see what you have for sale, Fiona.

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

`Gossip at Fiona's Caravan, Shadowmoon Valley Herbalism was so much easier in the old days. Now we have to fight through hell and back to extract even a few herbs!

Follower gossip

Do you have a mission for me, commander?

Gossip I need you to come on patrol with me.

Dragonscale Basecamp gossip

I've got more than stories to trade if you have the coin.

Buy Let me see what you have for sale, Fiona.

Gossip How has adventuring been treating you?

Everyone had to pull their weight when the Legion came. I haven't seen much of the crew since then. Started travelling myself to see if I couldn't bring in a bit more coin. Somewhere not quite as far as Draenor.
It's nice to have all the boys together again. They always keep me on my toes.
Gossip I'd like to ask something else.

Notes and trivia[]

  • She has an invisible Follower recruiting spell with the following description: Inv mask 09 Follower: Fiona — Fiona is a loyal companion who never loses her way.
  • While the quest recruits her directly, Inv inscription scroll kings [Contract: Fiona] was also created during development.
  • Her name is possibly a reference to Princess Fiona from the 'Shrek' movies, as she too has two forms, human at day and a monster at night (a worgen), and like Princess Fiona, she takes the form of the monster most of the time.
  • During the early Warlords of Draenor testing, Susanna Eyesley was replaced by Fiona in Shadowmoon Valley.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

NPCs Follower