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A shaman set refers to a collection of equipment with a shaman class restriction that provides an additional bonus when worn together.

Dungeon sets[]

Shaman Dungeon Sets

Shaman Dungeon Sets

Tier sets[]

Shaman Tier Sets

Shaman Tier Sets

Faction sets[]

Shaman Faction Sets

Shaman Faction Sets

PvP sets[]

Icon-time This section contains information that is out-of-date.
Shaman PvP Sets

Shaman PvP Sets

Shaman Arena Sets

Shaman Arena Sets

Alliance Alliance

Horde Horde

Alliance Alliance and Horde Horde Arena Reward

Shaman set lookalikes[]

Shaman Un-Sets

Shaman Un-Sets

These 'sets' do not have a proper name and offer no set bonuses. They do however present a unified look and carry shaman-friendly stats.

Mail armor sets[]
