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NeutralBragund Brightlink
Image of Bragund Brightlink
Title <Mail Armor Merchant>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 75 / 100 / 105
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Occupation Vendor
Location Langrom's Leather & Links, Dalaran[51.5, 72.9]VZ-DalaranBlip
Relative(s) Matilda Brightlink

Bragund Brightlink is a dwarf mail armor vendor located in the Eventide in Dalaran inside Langrom's Leather & Links. He sells the Tier 7 and Tier 8 armor pieces for shamans, death knights and hunters, as well as some other mail armor.

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

During the purge of Dalaran, he was standing on a crate with a rifle in his hands.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

When Dalaran relocated above Deadwind Pass and the Burning Legion attacked the city, he fought against the demons in the street.

Objective of[]



Dalaran above the Broken Isles

If yer looking for mail armor, look no further! I've got the best in town!

Buy I wish to browse your goods.

Dalaran above Deadwind Pass
  • What? Oh, I didn't even know ye were there! Since when did all ye <classes> get ta be so sneaky?
Needin' ta know if we'll be leaving soon so I can ready my things.
Legion invasion
  • Don't just stand there, <name>! These demons won't be killin' themselves.
Entering the shop
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome.
  • Greetings, <class>.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.
Item Cost
Inv bracer 02 [Armguard of the Tower Archer] 99g 64s
Inv belt 60 [Band of the Night Raven] 108g 74s
Inv belt 23 [Beadwork Belt of Shamanic Vision] 94g 23s
Inv belt 18 [Belt of the Ardent Marksman] 100g 88s
Inv gauntlets 104 [Blizzard Keeper's Mitts] 111g 67s
Inv gauntlets 25 [Conqueror's Scourgestalker Handguards]
Inv helmet 92 [Conqueror's Scourgestalker Headpiece]
Inv pants mail 15 [Conqueror's Scourgestalker Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Conqueror's Scourgestalker Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Conqueror's Scourgestalker Tunic]
Inv chest chain 15 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Chestguard]
Inv helmet 69 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Faceguard]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Gloves]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Grips]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Handguards]
Inv chest chain 15 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Hauberk]
Inv helmet 69 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Headpiece]
Inv helmet 69 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Helm]
Inv pants mail 15 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Kilt]
Inv pants mail 15 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Shoulderguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Shoulderpads]
Inv shoulder 14 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker Tunic]
Inv pants mail 15 [Conqueror's Worldbreaker War-Kilt]
Inv gauntlets 30 [Gloves of Augury] 104g 57s
Inv gauntlets 05 [Gloves of Unerring Aim] 104g 20s
Inv gauntlets 25 [Heroes' Cryptstalker Handguards]
Inv helmet 15 [Heroes' Cryptstalker Headpiece]
Inv pants mail 15 [Heroes' Cryptstalker Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Heroes' Cryptstalker Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Heroes' Cryptstalker Tunic]
Inv chest chain 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Chestguard]
Inv helmet 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Faceguard]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Heroes' Earthshatter Gloves]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Heroes' Earthshatter Grips]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Heroes' Earthshatter Handguards]
Inv chest chain 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Hauberk]
Inv helmet 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Headpiece]
Inv helmet 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Helm]
Inv pants mail 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Kilt]
Inv pants mail 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Heroes' Earthshatter Shoulderguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Heroes' Earthshatter Shoulderpads]
Inv shoulder 14 [Heroes' Earthshatter Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter Tunic]
Inv pants mail 15 [Heroes' Earthshatter War-Kilt]
Inv pants mail 06 [Leggings of the Tireless Sentry] 198g 40s
Inv pants mail 10 [Leggings of the Weary Mystic] 199g 13s
Inv gauntlets 84 [Logsplitters] 111g 25s
Inv chest mail 11 [Longstrider's Vest] 236g 34s
Inv chest mail 15 [Mail of the Geyser] 214g 62s
Inv boots chain 03 [Pack-Ice Striders] 143g 2s
Inv bracer 17 [Pigmented Clan Bindings] 100g
Inv boots chain 05 [Treads of Coastal Wandering] 143g 56s
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Cryptstalker Handguards]
Inv helmet 15 [Valorous Cryptstalker Headpiece]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Cryptstalker Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Cryptstalker Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Cryptstalker Tunic]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Chestguard]
Inv helmet 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Faceguard]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Earthshatter Gloves]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Earthshatter Grips]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Earthshatter Handguards]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Hauberk]
Inv helmet 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Headpiece]
Inv helmet 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Helm]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Kilt]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Earthshatter Shoulderguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Earthshatter Shoulderpads]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Earthshatter Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Earthshatter Tunic]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Earthshatter War-Kilt]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Scourgestalker Handguards]
Inv helmet 92 [Valorous Scourgestalker Headpiece]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Scourgestalker Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Scourgestalker Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Scourgestalker Tunic]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Worldbreaker Chestguard]
Inv helmet 69 [Valorous Worldbreaker Faceguard]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Worldbreaker Gloves]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Worldbreaker Grips]
Inv gauntlets 25 [Valorous Worldbreaker Handguards]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Worldbreaker Hauberk]
Inv helmet 69 [Valorous Worldbreaker Headpiece]
Inv helmet 69 [Valorous Worldbreaker Helm]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Worldbreaker Kilt]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Worldbreaker Legguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Worldbreaker Shoulderguards]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Worldbreaker Shoulderpads]
Inv shoulder 14 [Valorous Worldbreaker Spaulders]
Inv chest chain 15 [Valorous Worldbreaker Tunic]
Inv pants mail 15 [Valorous Worldbreaker War-Kilt]
Inv belt 18 [Vereesa's Silver Chain Belt] 93g 87s
Inv belt 83 [Waistband of Despair] 108g 33s
Inv belt 28 [Windchill Binding] 101g 25s

Patch changes[]

External links[]
