Для питомца чернокнижников, см. Суккуб (питомец чернокнижника).
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Суккуб - это демоны женского пола, которые принадлежат расе Сайаад.[1] Они преимущественно поддерживают Пылающий Легион.

Как и с информацией о гарпиях и шиваррах, на настоящий момент нету никакой информации о самцах этого вида (неизвестно существуют ли вообще мужчины Сайаады), которые бы правильно назывались инкубами. Инкубам дали очень расплывчатое описание в книге "Последний Страж"..[2]

Warcraft RPG

The RPG Icon 16x36 Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Warcraft RPG.

A succubus is a stunningly beautiful woman. Her voluptuous form is squeezed into a tight leather bodice. Large bat wings unfurl from her back, and she lets out a short gasp as she cracks a small whip against her milky thigh. A succubus is pleasure and pain rolled into one deadly package. Like all demons, she enjoys bringing death and misery to the mortal races — but that doesn't mean she can't have fun with them first. Many warlocks choose a succubus as a fellow companion for their ability to manipulate those weak of will. It is not uncommon for a succubus in a mortal's servitude to fall uncontrollably in love with him or her; this occurrence is not always to the master's advantage, though, for a devoted succubus can be prone to fits of extreme jealousy, especially when her master deals with those of the opposite sex. A succubus usually tries to avoid direct confrontation, preferring instead to use her natural (and supernatural) charm to gain a creature's trust, then to lure her victim into a defenseless position. In open combat, a succubus is far from helpless, however. She is surprisingly agile, always attempting to feint or flank an opponent, thus allowing her to backstab with her lash of pain. Most warlocks tend to trust their succubus's natural instincts in combat. This trust comes as much from respect for her abilities as it does from the realization that a succubus may ignore an order she doesn’t agree with anyway. This is especially true when an opponent threatens her master directly, as she may become reckless trying to save him.[3]


As members of the Burning Legion, succubi speak Eredun, and most also speak Common. Common is a language known by most races who would summon these beings, those who summon them likely know Eredun as well.[3]


Имя Роль Статус Магические способности
Бой [61] [[Леди Хедерина|]] До выхода Катаклизма стояла рядом с Глубинами Черной Горы Убиваемая Warlock Демонические
WC3RoC logo 16x32 Mistress of Torment Mistress of Torment находится в Черном Храме Мертва Warlock Демонические
WC3RoC logo 16x32 Sinstralis of the Pain Sinstralis of the Pain заключена на Арене Запределья Жива Warlock Демонические
Бой [60] [[Симон Совратительница|]] Кратер Ун'горо Убиваемая Warlock Демонические
Бой [56] [[Ракайа|]] Убиваемая Warlock Демонические
The RPG Icon 16x36 Queen of suffering Queen of suffering управляет остальными суккубами Жива Warlock Демонические

Крипы Warcraft III

Суккубы появились в виде крипов в миссиях и картах в Запределье.

  • Суккуб (Warcraft III)
  • Vile Tormentor
  • Vile Temptress
  • Дева Боли
  • Queen of Suffering


Изменение в обновлениях


  1. Exodar Holographic Emitter
  2. Последний Страж, pp 118.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Monster Guide, pp 127.