Сильвана Ветрокрылая
Изображение для Сильвана Ветрокрылая
Титул Темная Госпожа, Королева Отрекшихся, Королева банши
Пол Женский
Раса(ы) Уникальная нежить[1] (в прошлом Банши, Высший эльф)
Уровень ?? (Босс)
Темный следопыт (WC3); Боец, Маг, Эльфийский следопыт (WCRPG); Воин, Маг, Эльфийский следопыт (WoWRPG)
Здоровье 103,000,000
Мана 189,000,000
Фракция Отрекшийся, Орда, Кель'Талас
Королева Отрекшихся, Лидер Орды в Восточных королевствах, Предводитель следопытов Луносвета (ранее)
Зона Королевский квартал, Подгород
Статус Активный
Родственники Аллерия, Вериса, Лират (братья и сестры), Ронин (шурин), Зендарин (кузен), Аратор, Гирамар и Галадин (племянники), Артас Менетил (воскресил)
Ученик(и) Натанос Гнилостень (защитник)
Законно злой[2]

Когда-то Сильвана Ветрокрылая была храбрым Предводителем следопытов Луносвета и командиром армий высших эльфов. Но во время Третьей Войны принц Артас во главе армии нежити вторгся в эльфийское королевство Кель'Талас. Сильвана бросила все свои силы против орды живых мертвецов Плети, но в конечном итоге была повержена Рыцарем Смерти и превращена в послушную рабыню-банши.

Проклятая и лишённая свободной воли, Сильвана вынуждена была служить своему хозяину до тех пор, пока Король-Лич не ослабел настолько, что более не мог её контролировать. Восстав против Плети, Тёмная Леди и её мятежники-Отрёкшиеся захватили Подгород, провозгласив себя свободными и независимыми. Каким-то образом она вернула себе свою физическую форму, но её тело всё ещё несёт в себе проклятие нежити, а потому прежняя жизнь для неё недоступна.

Теперь Сильвана мечтает лишь об одном – найти и уничтожить Артаса, которого ненавидит больше всего на свете, а также Короля-Лича, чтобы отомстить за своё проклятие и принести окончательную свободу своим подданным. Кое-кто говорит, что во время превращения Сильваны в банши между ней и Королём-Личом установился некий вид связи, а потому её душу невозможно уничтожить окончательно, пока не уничтожен сам Король-Лич.[3]


Предводитель следопытов Луносвета

Sylvanas timewalkers

Предводитель следопытов Сильвана во время Второй Войны.

Сильвана родом из известной и влиятельной эльфийской семьи Ветрокрылых, владеющей одноимённым шпилем и деревней в южных Лесах Вечной Песни. Её сёстры – не менее знаменитые Аллерия и Вериса. Пережив гибель большей части семьи от рук Орды и Плети, Сильвана сумела стать умелым следопытом, а потом и предводителем следопытов армии Кель'Таласа. Встав во главе следопытов, она занималась охраной эльфийских лесов от вторжения.

Файл:Sylvanas Windrunner High Elf by Lost In Concept.jpg

Сравнение Сильваны Ветрокрылой: банши и предводитель следопытов.

Вторая Война

Во время Второй Войны Сильвана занималась обороной Лесов Вечной Песни от Орды и примкнувших к ним лесных троллей, издавна являвшихся заклятыми врагами эльфов. Во время войны тролли попытались вторгнуться в Кель'Талас, чтобы устроить резню среди эльфов. Поначалу им это удалось, но вскоре в дело вступили оборонительные части следопытов под командованием Сильваны. Открытое нападение вынудило короля Анастериана, до того не желавшего всерьёз вмешивать эльфов в ход конфликта, отдать соответствующие приказы.

Согласно им, отряды Сильваны продолжили шаг за шагом выбивать троллей из своих владений вплоть до самой границы леса, где вместе с армией Лордеронского Альянса под командованием Туралиона зажали в капкан войска Орды и едва не смяли их окончательно. Положение Орды спасли лишь появившиеся вскоре порабощённые орками красные драконы. Драконам Альянс тогда ничего не мог противопоставить. Армиям пришлось отступить и перегруппироваться. Войска Сильваны остались в обороне Луносвета, в то время как армия Туралиона двинулась к Лордерону, пытаясь предотвратить осаду столицы.

Вторжение Плети


Сильвана в бою с Плетью.

Sylvanas TCG Alt

Сильвана, битва в Кель'Таласе.

В ходе войны принц Артас с армиями мертвецов Плети за спиной вломился в Кель'Талас, и Сильвана Ветрокрылая руководила обороной эльфийских лесов. Но яростное сопротивление не спасло древнее королевство – Кель'Талас пал, а Сильвана, так и не сумев предупредить Луносвет, столицу эльфов, о готовящемся штурме, была лично убита Артасом. Не дав духу гордой эльфийки упокоиться с миром, в отместку за столь отчаянную борьбу – или, быть может, в знак тщетности сопротивления, - он превратил её в банши, проклятый призрак, обречённый на службу падшему принцу.

Лишённая свободы воли и способности мыслить, Сильвана долгое время оставалась послушным призраком, пока не сумела вернуть себе своё прежнее мёртвое тело (как это произошло, до сих пор остаётся неизвестным). Через некоторое время Сильване удалось освободиться от контроля Короля-лича. Вскоре после подавления последних очагов сопротивления людей в Лордероне, в котором участвовали Артас, Сильвана и Кел'Тузад, трое братьев-Натрезимов, недовольные тем, что Артас отстранил их от командования Плетью, устроили против него заговор.

Встретившись в укромном месте с Сильваной, державшей своё освобождение в секрете, Натрезимы открыли ей, что Король-Лич и Артас теряют свою силу, и что именно это послужило причиной её освобождения. Сильвана, хоть и продемонстрировала своеволие, настояв на том, что форму «помощи» выберет сама, решила принять в заговоре самое активное участие. Войска демонов-заговорщиков напали на принца в обезлюдевшей столице Лордерона. А когда Артас сумел скрыться из столицы, наводнённой верной Натрезимам нежитью, верные Сильване банши, притворяясь лояльными слугами принца, заманили его отряд в ловушку в лесу, где его охрана быстро была перебита. Сам Артас был ранен её стрелой, которая парализовала его и подвергла мучительной агонии. Но появившийся вскоре отряд Кел'Тузада вызволил рыцаря смерти из опасности, и бежать пришлось уже эльфийке.

Сильвана банши


Ритуал банши

Официальная история, рассказанная следопытами Луносвета, сообщает нам, что Сильвана была убита в бою против Плети в Кель'Таласе и ее тело было сожжено дотла во время пожара, который опустошил половину города...[4]

Подлинная история была совершенно иной. Сильвана не была убита, а взята в плен. Чуть живая, она предстала перед Артасом в темном храме. Она говорила, что заслужила чистой смерти, но Артас, которому пришлось следить за каждым ее шагом, ответил, что после всех доставленных ему проблем он не позволит ей умереть спокойно. Ее пытали, калечили и, наконец, убили ради удовольствия Артаса. Но этого ему показалось мало: он осквернил ее дух, развратил ее тело и душу, и вернул ее к мучительной и ненавистной жизни в форме банши. Таким образом, Сильвана Ветрокрылая стала первой в мире высокорожденной банши. Теперь она была нежитью и целиком и полностью подчинялась Королю-личу, помогала Артасу во время нападения на ее любимый Луносвет с целью захвата Солнечного Колодца Плетью.[5] Ее искаженное тело было навеки запечатано в железном гробу Артасом, чтобы иметь возможность в будущем его использовать.

Сильвана стала одним из главных генералов Артаса; она осталась в Лордероне вместе с Кел'Тузадом под бдительным оком повелителей ужаса, которым было приказано находится там, чтобы защитить его во имя легиона. Когда Архимонд был повержен в битве за гору Хиджал, Сильвана быстро узнала об этом от Кел'Тузада. Шли месяцы, а повелители ужаса все еще не знали о поражении своих хозяев. Вариматас, Детерок и Бальназар - три повелителя ужаса, контролировавшие Лордерон, зорко следили за Сильваной и ее нежитью до возвращении Артаса с Калимдора. Он сообщил им об отречении Легиона и их намерении взять под свой контроль Плеть. Повелители ужаса бежали, не желая рисковать своими жизнями, находясь на стороне Артаса.

Артас велел оставшимся своим воинам очистить Лордерон от любой жизни в знак дани Нер'зулу. Однако, Кел'Тузад сообщил ему о небольшом количестве беженцев из уничтожаемых деревень, которые, пытаясь сохранить свою жизнь, движутся к горному перевалу, где Артас и его армия не смогут их поймать. После этого Артас разделил свою армию на три части: одной командовал сам, двумя другими - его ближайшие помощники. Было принято решение блокировать пути эвакуации жителей и уничтожать всех на своем пути. Не смотря на все усилия паладин Дагрен Убийца орков и его спутники так же не смогли избажть участи большинства: Сильвана и ее банши участвовали в боях против мирного населения Лордерона. Наконец, Сильвана, Артас и Кел'Тузад смогли добраться до центрального штаба паладинов и уничтожили всех, кто там находился. Это были последние жители погибающего Лордерона.

Темный следопыт

Примерно в это же время ослабленный Нер'зул начал терять контроль над умами Сильваны и некоторых банши. Чувствуя это, она все же продолжала служить Артасу и Кел'Тузаду. Повелители Ужаса связались с Сильваной и предложили тайную встречу, где объяснили причину своего ухода. Они сообщили, что силы Артаса и Нер'зула постепенно стихают, а их влияние уменьшается. Натрезимы намерены использовать эту возможность, чтобы захватить Лордерон. Сильвана согласилась помочь, но при условии, что ее помощь будет предоставлена по ее усмотрению.[6]

Повелители Ужаса планировали убить Артаса в столице, но и Сильвана разработала резервный план на случай побега Артаса. Они подговорила своих банши обманом провести его в лес, где уже будет ждать Сильвана.[7] После нападения на Артаса в столице, где Повелители Ужаса не смогли привести свой план в действие, его видели в условленном Сильваной месте, но к сожалению, ей удалось убить только его телохранителей.[8]

В этот момент Сильване удалось использовать свои магические способности как банши, чтобы вернуть свое тело, которое принадлежало ей при жизни. Теперь она стала телесным существом нежитью.[9] Скрываясь в тени, ей удалось поразить Артаса собственноручно изготовленной стрелой отравленной парализующим ядом. Он был в ярости от ее предательства и потребовал, чтобы она убила его быстро. Но Сильвана, вспомнив все свои муки, отказалась сделать ему одолжение и убить его без мучений. Она была уже готова приступить к долгожданной мести, но ей помешал появившийся Кел'Тухад: он убил ее банши и преследовал ее.[8]

Вернувшись в свое физическое тело, она поняла, что никогда не сможет стать прежней. Возмущенная таким развитием событий, она обратилась к искусству, которые становятся все более и более естественным для нее: некромантии. Затем она изменила свои эльфийские навыки следопыта под воздействием некромантии и таким образом, появились темные следопыты.[10]

Королева Отрекшихся

Sylvanas Raneman

Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая, Королева Отрекшихся.

Артас отправился в Нордскол, где его ждал Король-лич и скрылся Кел'Тузад.[8] Сильвана и ее сестры были освобождены, но она все еще была не спокойна. Хотя освободившись от контроля Нер'зула, она и другие ее свободные сторонники внешне остались чудовищами.[11]

Ее мысли были прерваны Вариматасом, прибывшим на место происшествия. Повелители Ужаса предложили ей и ее банши присоедниться к ним. Но Сильвана была не готова так быстро отказаться от свободы, которую совсем недавно получила. Она поблагодарила Повелителей Ужаса за помощь и потребовала, чтобы ее оставили в покое. Вариматас ей пригрозил, что если она не присоединится, новые правители Чумных земель уничтожат ее. Сильвана была непреклонна. После ухода Вариматаса Сильвана знала, что нападение неизбежно. Имея такую армию из немногочисленных банши, она понимала, что проиграет его. Ей срочно нужно было найти новых сторонников.[11]

Имея в своих союзников банши, Сильвана могла найти множество существ, которые служили бы ей верой и правдой. Она приказала своим банши отправиться к лидеру местных огров Муг'толу, главарю бандитов Блэкторну, правителю гноллов Спутанная Грива, вождю лесных троллей Зул`Тоггу и Murloc Puddle Lord. Те, кто не перешел на ее строну, были убиты. С таким большим количеством новых союзников, Вариматас быстро терпит поражение. Но после того, как Сильвана победила его, Вариматас просит сохранить ему жизнь в замен на подчинение новой госпоже. Он знал тактику своих братьев и где находятся их базы. Сильвана знала, что верить таким коварным существам рискованно, но чувствовала, что способна контролировать его.[11] С помощью Вариматаса они вместе противостояли силам Детерока.[12]

Detheroc had acquired a human puppet, Garithos, and his men, and was using them to protect himself. Sylvanas had his scouts possessed, and then infiltrated his base while their guard was down. As they slept, Sylvanas swept through the twin bases and slaughtered any before her. Though they eventually awoke and raised the alarm, it was too late. Sylvanas disabled the humans and ravaged Detheroc's forces, eventually coming to the dreadlord himself, and killing him swiftly. With the dreadlord dead, Garithos was freed from his mental control. Sylvanas saw him as arrogant and foolish, but felt that she could use him. She lied and promised to relinquish control of the Capital to him if he helped her kill Balnazzar.[12]

Garithos attacked from the rear entrance to the city as Sylvanas and Varimathras came from the front. As they moved into the city, Sylvanas found caches of items left by the Lordaeron royals, and used them to further the assault. Despite the dreadlord's demonic allies, his forces were destroyed, and, as a final test of loyalty, Sylvanas demanded that Varimathras kill Balnazzar. Varimathras froze, saying that it was forbidden for one Nathrezim to kill another. But she required Varimathras to prove his loyalty to her. Varimathras obeyed, and struck down Balnazzar.[13] However, whether by accident or design, Balnazzar survived, later re-emerging as a leader of the Scarlet Crusade. Varimathras was not so reluctant when Sylvanas ordered him to do the same to Garithos.[13]

With all their enemies dead, Sylvanas made a proclamation to Varimathras. They would rule the Plaguelands as the Forsaken, and would stake out their own destiny, where none would get in their way.[13]

Interestingly, reports say Sylvanas moves to and from Northrend; it's unknown if she is scouting for a possible attack on the Lich King, or if she has darker plans. There are rumors that Lady Sylvanas Windrunner is setting up a Forsaken city up there somewhere. In any case, she remains an enigmatic figure— her motivations unknown even to her most trusted advisers.[14]


Сильвана в Земли призраков.

The Sunwell

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Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen, and leader of the Forsaken traveled to Quel'Thalas for her own reasons, but soon encountered the traitor Dar'Khan, confronting him in the ruins of Silvermoon. She aided Kalecgos in attempting to stop the traitor from claiming the Sunwell's energies; though she was initially unsuccessful, she distracted Dar'Khan long enough for Anveena to regain her power and vaporize him. Sylvanas agreed to keep Anveena's identity a secret in the interests of preventing Arthas from gaining the Sunwell's power.

Joining the Horde

The Forsaken, having carved a functional empire of their own and with growing numbers by the day, knew that the next step to realizing their vengeance upon Arthas was to secure their place in the world. Though Sylvanas had presided over the civil war in the Plaguelands, and successfully conquered the ruins of Lordaeron, how long the relatively small faction of the Forsaken could keep their holdings was unclear.

As such, Sylvanas looked to finding allies. She sent numerous ambassadors to the Horde under Warchief Thrall, though the Forsaken's admittance as an official member state was contested by a number of the faction's existing members. The kind-hearted tauren of Thunder Bluff proved to be the most promising contact. Specifically, Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem saw the potential for redemption in Sylvanas’ people, even though he was fully aware of the Forsaken’s sinister nature. Thus, the tauren convinced Warchief Thrall, despite his misgivings, to forge an alliance of convenience between the Forsaken and the Horde. This alliance of convenience has granted the Horde a better footing in the mostly Alliance controlled Eastern Kingdoms, and in turn, with the Horde's protection, and even the assistance of the Argent Dawn,[15] the Forsaken were able to keep their holdings in Lordaeron.

The Forsaken's dominion

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Having carved out an alliance with the Horde, the Forsaken looked to expanding their ever-growing empire of undeath. By freeing the minds of the undead under the sway of the Lich King, Sylvanas came to preside over an impressive faction of her own. During this time, Sylvanas also freed her former disciple, Ranger Lord Nathanos Marris, from the Scourge's cold grip. Nathanos was named the champion of the Banshee Queen, and took up residence on the Marris Stead to train and direct his Queen's new champions.

Sylvanas sent adventurers to train under Nathanos, and later to help remove the zealous Scarlet Crusade presence constantly harassing Forsaken lands. Sylvanas sanctioned the creation of the Deathstalkers, which has quickly become one of the most powerful spy organizations on Azeroth, and also oversaw the early production of a master plague capable of bringing the Scourge to its knees - the Royal Apothecary Society rising to meet this goal.

Hallow's End

The Forsaken have incorporated the notion of Halloween into a core part of their culture. Sylvanas hails it as the night where the Forsaken are strongest - the night where their enemies fear them the most - and appears in a ghostly form outside of the Undercity to burn the large wickerman; much to the crowd's delight. Since the Cataclysm, Sylvanas gives a new speech during Hallow's End, and there are sound files for this speech, just as Genn Greymane has.

The Burning Crusade

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Sylvanas lament

Sylvanas and her banshees perform the Lament of the Highborne.

In death, Sylvanas still considers herself one of the foremost protectors of Quel'Thalas, and repeatedly offered assistance in the form of supplies and troops to the blood elves. This may be due in some part to the fact that the Dark Lady still grieves over her failure to protect Quel'Thalas from the Scourge invasion during the Third War, when she fell in battle. Though the sin'dorei initially declined most of Sylvanas' offers, fearing a trick, the beleaguered elves eventually allowed Sylvanas to station Forsaken soldiers in their lands, most prominently in the village of Tranquillien. Sylvanas played a large part in convincing Thrall to accept the blood elves into the Horde.

During the battles in the Ghostlands, blood elven adventurers would travel to Windrunner Spire - Sylvanas' former residence - and acquired The Lady's Necklace, what was once a gift to Sylvanas from her elder sister, Alleria. It is delivered to the Banshee Queen herself, and Sylvanas is briefly taken aback by the sight of it. However, she quickly composes herself, and lashes out at the adventurer - ensuring them that it means nothing to her, and that Alleria Windrunner is a long dead memory; dropping the necklace. She dismisses the adventurer from her chambers, though in a rare moment of emotion, summons a choir of high elven banshees and begins to sing a melancholic song for her bereaved homeland. She then kneels down to pick up the necklace.

Sylvanas would later assist sin'dorei Blood Knights on behalf of Mehlar Dawnblade in the creation of a powerful Scourgestone; Sylvanas' intimate knowledge of the Scourge's workings proving an essential compenent to aiding in its creation.

Legends: Crusader's Blood

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Sylvanas in Orgrimmar, shortly before the Scourge attack.

Sylvanas alongside Varimathras attacked a camp of the Scarlet Crusade in Tirisfal Glades and defeated its leader, Renee Lauer who was responsible of the deaths of some Horde members. After this, Renee was resurrected as a Forsaken.

Arthas: Rise of the Lich King

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Sylvanas once went to see Faranell who showed her the effects of the New Plague. She was satisfied with the result but warned Faranell that the Plague should never fall to wrong hands. Arthas killed and consumed the dream form of Ner'zhul thus he became the only person known as the Lich King. In that moment he opened his eyes and Sylvanas felt that something terrible was happening.

A Council for War

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The time had finally come to deal with the Scourge. Sylvanas and her chief apothecary, Putress, met with Warchief Thrall, High Overlord Saurfang, and Garrosh Hellscream to plan their next move. After the duel between Garrosh and Thrall (fueled by Garrosh's belief that immediate action needed to be taken) was interrupted by a Scourge assault, Sylvanas helped to defend Orgrimmar. After the Horde victory, Thrall declared war upon the Lich King. Pleased, Sylvanas dispensed Putress to assist the Horde in Northrend - his vast knowledge of the plague surely being a beneficial addition to its arsenal.

In the Shadow of the Sun

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Sylvanas Icecrown

The Banshee Queen.

With the Horde now dedicated to a Northrend campaign, Lady Sylvanas and a group of Royal Dreadguards travelled to Sunfury Spire to gain the support of the blood elves towards the war effort. She was met by her old comrade, Lor'themar Theron, Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas, along with Grand Magister Rommath and the current Ranger-general of Silvermoon, Halduron Brightwing. Sylvanas instructed Lor'themar to send a force of blood elves -- magisters, Farstriders and Blood Knights -- to Northrend, though Lor'themar was apprehensive, reasoning that he had only just overcome the war on Quel'Danas. Sylvanas noted that the blood elves are a part of the Horde only by her hand, and that if they do not mobilize they would surely lose its support - and Forsaken support in their lands.

With his arm twisted, Lor'themar relented, and agreed to send a contingent of blood elves to the Undercity. Sylvanas prepared to leave, though Rommath was outraged at this turn of events. He threw Sylvanas' offers of aid back at her, stating that the situation was blackmail. Sylvanas informed him that all she desired was the strength to defeat their greatest foe - and that moreover, her offers were just that - offers. Lor'themar quickly ended their conversation, and Sylvanas' eyes flashed for the briefest of moments at his Thalassian farewell. She silently left.[16]

Wrath of the Lich King

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The Horde thus began their assault on the frozen region of Northrend. While the main Horde advance, led by Garrosh Hellscream, attacked from Borean Tundra; the Forsaken - coming under the banner of the aptly named Hand of Vengeance - assaulted the region from Howling Fjord with their considerable navy. Under Sylvanas' direct leadership, the Hand of Vengeance brought with it everything in the Forsaken's arsenal - including the penultimate phases of their enigmatic plague, which would be perfected during their time in Northrend.

One of the new Forsaken camps in Northrend is New Agamand, where most of the Royal Apothecary Society's members took up residence to finish perfecting the plague to unleash upon the Lich King. Lady Sylvanas had been methodically and patiently overseeing the creation of this contagion for several years now, and it seemed the time at last had come to test it on the Scourge.

However, Grand Apothecary Putress, whom Sylvanas had deployed in Northrend, would soon come to undertake this honor - by hurling the perfected, ravenous plague at the Scourge, the Alliance, and even the Horde during the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate.

Battle for the Undercity

Основная статья: Battle for the Undercity

As the combined Horde and Alliance forces began their assault upon Angrathar the Wrathgate, an uprising broke out within the Undercity. Varimathras and hordes of his demonic brethren overran the city, slaying all those who would not submit to their dark rule. Sylvanas herself nearly died in the coup, but managed to escape with a number of loyalists and fled to Orgrimmar. Determined not to allow the dreadlords a foothold in Horde territory, Thrall and Sylvanas planned an immediate counter-attack. In the midst of their planning however, Jaina Proudmoore arrived with terrible news: in the wake of Bolvar Fordragon's death, King Varian was preparing for a possible war with the Horde. Jaina had been sent to elicit an explanation for the betrayal at the Wrathgate. Though Thrall and Sylvanas explained that the Horde was not responsible for Putress, Jaina had warned them that King Varian would most likely pursue retribution.

Sylvanas returned to the Undercity at the head of a Horde army, determined to retake her city. Along with Thrall and Vol'jin, she led the assault into Undercity itself, a cry for her people upon her lips. In the Throne Room, Sylvanas fought and finally slew Varimathras, retaking her throne. As this was occurring, King Varian launched his own assault on the Undercity from the sewers. Upon discovery of various Forsaken experiments on their human captives, King Varian was set on declaring war on the Horde. King Varian entered the Royal Quarter shortly after Varimathras' defeat, branding them monsters and charged at the Warchief and the Dark Lady. However, he was quickly teleported out of the battle by Jaina, who took the Alliance forces back to Stormwind.

With the battle over, Sylvanas was thus able to reclaim her throne, with the treacherous rebels put to death. However, the entire Wrathgate fiasco did not sit well with Thrall, who dispensed a contingent of Kor'kron to keep watch over the Forsaken. With that, Sylvanas herself made the journey to Northrend - to finally deliver her vengeance upon Arthas.

The Frozen Halls

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Sylvanas and Uther

Sylvanas meets with the spirit of Uther in the Halls of Reflection

Sylvanas leads Horde forces to the Frozen Halls inside Icecrown Citadel, to confront the Lich King and gain her vengeance against Arthas for destroying Quel'Thalas and damning her to undeath. Accompanied by Dark Ranger Kalira and Dark Ranger Loralen She instructs Horde heroes in their battles through the accursed halls, and joins with several Horde champions of the Argent Tournament. Following the defeat of Ick and Krick, Krick begs for mercy before Sylvanas, and attempts to sate her with the knowledge that Frostmourne itself is within the halls - unguarded. Krick is ultimately disposed of by Scourgelord Tyrannus, and Sylvanas makes the journey to the Halls of Reflection. Before entering the halls, they had to battle with Tyrannus. Right after his death, Sindragosa appeared and killed almost all the combatants except Sylvanas, her two rangers and adventurers who she pulled out of Sindragosa's range. She sent Kalira to get reinforcements and with Loralen and the adventurers entered the Halls of Reflection.

Upon reaching Arthas' private chambers in the Halls of Reflection and standing so close to Frostmourne, Sylvanas felt the pain of her death to this blade renewed. Nonetheless, she attempted to commune with the spirits within the sword, hoping that "salvation lies within". At that point, the spirit of Uther the Lightbringer appeared, warning her that the Lich King was on his way, and of the foolishness of attempting to defeat him there. He reveals that even if Arthas were to be destroyed, there must be someone to take his place as master of the Scourge, lest they wash across the world like locusts, consuming everything in their path. To defeat the Lich King, Uther said, he must be destroyed at the place he was created: The Frozen Throne.

Just then, the Lich King arrives and reclaims his blade, consuming the soul of Uther within it. He summons Falric and Marwyn, his two top lieutenants, to kill the intruders. While her escorts (the players) battle the pair and the ghosts they summon, Sylvanas and Dark Ranger Loralen give chase as the Lich King flees to his inner sanctum. Upon defeating the death knights and their ghostly allies, the party finds Loralen dead in the hallway and the sounds of battle coming from the chamber before them - Sylvanas and the Lich King in single combat. Realizing he was too powerful to confront there, as Uther had warned, Sylvanas and her escorts flee, breaking through the ice walls and packs of undead minions the Lich King summons to slow their progress. As they reach the outside, they realize that it is a dead end, and resolve themselves to dying in battle against the Dark Lord. Just then, the gunship Orgrim's Hammer arrives on scene to rescue them. As they flee the Halls of Reflection, Sylvanas realizes that the Lich King's powers have increased tenfold, and that to defeat him, a mighty army was needed, one greater than even the Horde could muster.

Fall of the Lich King

Eventually, Arthas fell in combat with Tirion Fordring and his champions, ending his reign of terror. With the death of the Lich King, an adventurer bearing Shadowmourne finds a Sealed Chest, containing various items, among them a vial of blood. The adventurer brings the vial to Sylvanas, waiting in Light's Hammer.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner говорит: So, it is done.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner говорит: I had not dared to trust my senses - too many times has the Lich King made me to be a fool.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner говорит: Finally, he has been made to pay for the atrocities he imposed upon my people.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner говорит: May Azeroth never fail to remember the terrible price we paid for our weakness... for our pride.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner говорит: But what now, hero? What of those freed from his grasp, but still shackled to their mortal coils?
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner говорит: Leave me.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner говорит: I have much to ponder.


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As the whole of Azeroth was enveloped within the effects of the Emerald Nightmare, so was the Undercity and the Banshee Queen herself. Sylvanas dreamt about being a high elf once again, after the actually dead Varimathras had turned her back into one. However, her fears gripped her once more as the actually dead Lich King reappeared and tortured her while Varimathras betrayed her once again in her dream. Sharlindra and the other denizens of the Undercity could not bring her out of the spell's grip.

Edge of Night

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Sylvanas Edge of Night

"I've walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me."

After the death of the Lich King Arthas Menethil, Sylvanas ventured alone to the Frozen Throne. While irritated that she was not there to see him fall, Sylvanas took solace in knowing that the work she had begun in the lush forests of Quel'Thalas was at last complete: Arthas was dead. With her life's - and unlife's - goal sated, Sylvanas could think only of the bright fate that had awaited her before Arthas tore out her soul and prepared to hurl herself from the citadel onto the saronite spikes below, the only thing capable of destroying her completely. As she contemplated the end of her long journey, nine val'kyr encircled her, granting her visions of her past. Sylvanas ignored them, and hurled herself off the Frozen Throne.

Sylvanas saw vision of her peoples' future. Without her leadership, the bulk of the Forsaken were sacrificed by Garrosh Hellscream in a failed assault on Gilneas. At the Bulwark, Apothecary Lydon organizes a last, desperate counterattack against the invading Alliance forces. As the tide turned against them, the Forsaken threw themselves into raging fires rather than face the onslaught to come. As the vision ended, Sylvanas found herself floating in a dark void, where she knew only terror, cold, hopelessness, fear, and regret. She also ran into the ghost of Arthas and was surprised to find that all he was at this point was a frightened and lonely little boy. Looking at the man who had inflicted such torment, Sylvanas admitted that had her soul not been broken she may have actually felt pity for him despite what he had done to her. As she realized that this realm of anguish was to be her eternity, the val'kyr appeared to her again. Led by Annhylde the Caller, they offered the Dark Lady a pact: instead of allowing Sylvanas to reside eternally in this terrifying realm, Annhylde offered to take her place if she binds herself to the remaining val'kyr; a powerful vessel through which they can continue to exist as more than slaves, their fates intertwined. Sylvanas accepted the pact, and was returned to the realm of the living surrounded by the eight remaining val'kyr.

Sylvanas returned to Silverpine Forest, where Garrosh was leading the assault on Gilneas, and stated that the invasion would be carried out her way; Garrosh begrudgingly accepted, and Sylvanas ordered her fleet around to the southern coast to harass the villages and split Gilneas' defenders. Reflecting on what she had been through, Sylvanas realized that her people were no longer simply arrows in her quiver, but an important resource that would not be squandered.[17]


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Sylvanas Wei

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in the Battlecry Mosaic.


Sylvanas and Grand Executor Mortuus await Garrosh's arrival.

Sylvanas and friends at the Sepulcher

Sylvanas and her val'kyr.


Sylvanas punishes Koltira for his negligence.

Несмотря на события у Врат Гнева, Сильвана продолжает использовать спорные тактики ведения сражений. Она проигнорировала приказ нового вождя, Гарроша Адского Крика, прекратить разработку Гнили Отрекшихся, которой Гнилесс уничтожил множество воинов Альянса и Орды, и использует чуму против своих противников во время вторжения в Гилнеас и против Южнобережья в Хилсбраде.

После падения Артаса Сильвана приняла в ряды Отрекшихся Валь'кир, высшую нежить, когда-то бывшую женщинами врайкулов, и с их помощью поднимает мертвых врагов в качестве своих новых слуг. Таким образом, Отрекшиеся получили возможность к воспроизведению потомства.

Во время вторжения в Гилнеас Сильвана применила свою темную магию, чтобы отвлечь противников, и Генна Седогрива отравленной стрелой. Принц Лиан закрыл отца своим телом и спас его. Сильвана скрылась, но Лиан, умирая, знал, что город удалось освободить из-под контроля Отрекшихся.

Во время битвы с Освободительным фронтом Гилнеаса в Серебряном Боре Сильвана организует воскрешение Лорда Годфри, которому удается захватить Лорну Краули и доставить её королеве. Сильвана дает Дарию Краули выбор - либо Фронт Освобождения Гилнеаса прекращает сражение, либо Лорна становится одной из Отрекшихся. Дарий дает приказ прекратить битву, и Сильвана позволяет ему уйти вместе с дочерью и воинами. После этого Лорд Годфри убивает королеву выстрелом и сбегает в Крепость Темного Клыка. Высший правитель Кромуш, ставленник Гарроша в Серебряном Боре, приказывает трем валь'кирам, Агате, Артуре и Дашле, вернуть Сильвану, и те приносят себя в жертву, чтобы королева смогла воскреснуть. Это еще раз убеждает банши, что валь'киры - будущее всех Отрекшихся.[18]

Позже, во время битвы за Андорал, Сильвана скрывается под именем Линдси Рэйвенсан, чтобы лично проследить за событиями. После победы Альянса Сильвана раскрывает себя и предстает перед Кольтирой Ткачем Смерти, обвиняя его в слабости из-за перемирия с Тассарианом. Цепь затягивает Кольтиру в портал, ведущий в Подгород, где Сильвана пытается очистить его от сострадания и сделать истинным слугой Орды, а точнее - слугой её самой и Отрекшихся.

Tides of War

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Sylvanas Siege Aftermath

Sylvanas in the Inner Sanctum.

Sylvanas is present at the Horde leader meeting called by Warchief Garrosh Hellscream, in which the warchief makes clear his plans to attack and crush the nation of Theramore. Sylvanas is opposed to this notion, wary that the Alliance may take their anger out on the Forsaken and sin'dorei if their main base of power on Kalimdor is compromised. Sylvanas repeatedly looks to Lor'themar Theron for support, playing upon his sympathy, though Lor'themar gives her none.[19]

Garrosh ensures Sylvanas that any counterattacks will be dealt with, and the Dark Lady dispenses Captain Frandis Farley to represent her during the Siege of Theramore. After the war, Garrosh has Farley killed in the inn in Razor Hill for questioning his actions in the meeting with Baine and Vol'jin.


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Vol'jin vaguely referenced her as an ally against Garrosh Hellscream in the burgeoning Horde Rebellion (noting that she needs "no excuse" to strike against Garrosh).

Siege of Orgrimmar

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Sylvanas accompanied Lor'themar Theron to seize Bladefist Bay from Garrosh's forces. She takes part in the Galakras encounter along with Lor'themar and Archmage Aethas Sunreaver.

Sylvanas is present along with the rest of the Horde's leadership (barring Ji Firepaw, who was injured earlier in the siege) at the defeat and arrest of Garrosh. When Thrall names Vol'jin the new Warchief, Sylvanas nods in acknowledgement. However as the quote below indicates, she's not quite as accepting as she appeared, hinting that she's going to give him a hard time to 'test' him.

I have nothing to say to you, <race>.
"Warchief Vol'jin." Does it sound absurd to you, <class>? I, for one, certainly won't be taking orders from a troll.
But, he put this little coalition together, and won the day. He's also proven to be impossible to kill - I admire that.
Time to test what he's made of...


Wrath of the Lich King

  • Quest:Inside the Frozen Citadel (Horde) Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Echoes of Tortured Souls (Horde) Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:The Pit of Saron (Horde) Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:The Path to the Citadel (Horde) Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:Deliverance from the Pit (Horde) Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Frostmourne (Horde) Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Wrath of the Lich King (Horde) Quest Complete 16x16


  • Quest:Meeting the Warchief Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:Journey to Undercity Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Envoy to the Horde Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Belmont's Report Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:The Warchief's Fleet Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:Orcs are in Order Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Rise, Forsaken Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:No Escape Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Lordaeron Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Honor the Dead (Silverpine Forest) Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Nowhere to Run Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:To Forsaken Forward Command Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:The Great Escape Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Rise, Godfrey Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Breaking the Barrier Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Dalar Dawnweaver Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:Only One May Enter Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter I Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Taking the Battlefront Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16
  • Quest:Cities in Dust Quest Avail 16x16Quest Complete 16x16

Removed content

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  • Quest:Ancient Evil Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:The Champion of the Banshee Queen Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:The Crimson Courier Quest Avail 16x16
  • Quest:Wisdom of the Banshee Queen Quest Complete 16x16


Местоположение Уровень Здоровье
Undercity ?? 523,364,416
Forge of Souls ?? 6,972,500
Pit of Saron ?? 6,972,500
Halls of Reflection 80 5,040,000
Icecrown Citadel ?? 6,972,500
Gilneas City ?? 30,000
Silverpine Forest ?? 34,356,800
Western Plaguelands ?? 174,454,800
Siege of Orgrimmar 93 87,227,400
Siege of Orgrimmar 92 337,273,600


Battling the Dark Lady can prove disastrous if certain steps are not taken by raid members. First is to enter the Undercity through the sewer entrance, an obvious and well used tactic since the start of World of Warcraft. Second, upon entering Sylvanas’ chamber raid members must hug the right wall as much as possible, the Undercity’s battle masters as well as the Wintergrasp battle mage will be pulled if the raid goes left, and battling them can waste valuable time (each having 500k health and up) and give the Horde time to mount a defense.

Upon engaging Sylvanas it is an absolute must to have a druid put Faerie Fire on her, this will prevent her from vanishing, while this may seem like a trivial thing; every time Sylvanas vanishes is precious seconds your raid is not DPSing her down. Her Black Arrow is also something to watch for, while the skeleton summoned has been raised to level 80 recently, it is still weak, but a large number of them can prove distracting. The raid should also keep on her altar as much as possible, while Sylvanas will not reset unless you attempt to pull her from her chamber, this will prevent raid members from pulling the aforementioned battle masters and give a clear view of oncoming Horde players.

Sylvanas is often considered to be the hardest city boss, but upon disabling her vanish ability she is standard tank and spank with little in terms of additional abilities.


  • Ability theblackarrow  Black Arrow —45 yrd range. Curses an enemy, inflicting 80,000 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 30 sec. If the target dies while afflicted by Black Arrow, a Skeleton will be summoned from the target's corpse.
  • Spell nature invisibilty  Fade —Turns the caster invisible and increases its movement speed by 50% for 3 sec.
  • Ability upgrademoonglaive  Multi-Shot —30 yrd range. Fires a volley of missiles at an enemy and its nearby allies, striking up to 10 targets for 55500 to 64500 Physical damage.
  • Spell shadow raisedead  Summon Skeleton —Summons 5 Skeletons to aid the caster in battle for 2 min, each level 90 and possesing 17,672 health.
  • Ability marksmanship  Shoot —5-30 yrd range. Shoots at an enemy, inflicting 45000 to 55000 Physical damage.


Still a warrior's heart? She had grown cold. No, she was the same. In death as in life.[20]

In her early life, Sylvanas was a prodigious ranger, proud and vain—and pragmatic. As the ranger general, Sylvanas, like many of the quel'dorei, held the belief that it was a mistake to teach magic to humanity;[21] though she was also of the opinion that Quel'Thalas would do well to coexist with the other races of the world, and to practice tolerance. Sylvanas's ambiguous relationship with her pupil, the human Nathanos Marris, may have shaped this belief (or have been the result of it). Death, however, would give Sylvanas a highly different outlook on life.

In death, Sylvanas was motivated, for the most part, by revenge; and later, a drive to survive (and thus avoid the hell awaiting her) at all costs. Sylvanas is a highly cunning and capable administrator, having built up a nation from nothing to one of Azeroth's most powerful (and volatile) factions. Though she has forged alliances, she has consistently kept her allies ignorant of her true motives, knowledge and intentions, resorting to ruthless betrayals and professing innocence as appropriate. Sylvanas makes little distinction between friend and foe; if you do not stand with the Forsaken, you stand against them.[22] She makes use of oratory and favourable propaganda to further her goals, be it rallying the purposeless undead on a crusade of retribution, or motivating her people to conquer.[23] Sylvanas is a cold and amoral ruler, placing value on few of her subjects beyond their use as tools, be it arrows to kill on her behalf or shields to protect her from her enemies. Even her own homeland was not exempt to this; indeed, Sylvanas was willing to use it as a bargaining chip to secure more manpower in her quest for vengeance. Sylvanas is often brusque and dismissive, though is quick to feign respect around figures such as the Warchief. She does however pay some amount of respect to her own soldiers, commemorating them through their insignia or attempting to rescue survivors of a battle.

Sylvanas is a ruthless and creative military leader. She is not above using hostages, explicitly banned chemical weaponry, and enforcing morally dubious choices to put the Forsaken ahead in warfare. The lines between Sylvanas and the Lich King are blurred in this regard, with similarities between the Dark Lady and whom she had most despised growing by the day.

Hints exist that Sylvanas has not been able to entirely cast aside her old life. She takes a special notice of Lor'themar Theron's Thalassian,[24] sings a melancholic tune regarding the fall of her homeland, and expresses genuine emotion in regards to her sister after rediscovering a locket once gifted to Sylvanas by her elder sibling, which is still in the Dark Lady's possession.


As a living elf, Sylvanas had waist-length blonde hair that "flowed like water" and was "translucent in the light of the sun". She took great pride in her appearance: It wasn't good enough to be the best hunter in her family. She needed to take everyone's breath away as she ventured out. She was so very vain.[25]

Repossessing her body as a banshee, Sylvanas now has pale, blue-white skin.[26] Though better preserved than most other undead, the flesh around her mouth cracks and peels like old snakeskin when she speaks.[27] Her eyes glow with a white[27] or silver[26] light that turns red when she is agitated. Her once-golden hair is now black as midnight with streaks of white.[26]

Sylvanas still wears the same outfit she was wearing when she died,[26] though its coloration has darkened. Oddly, her body bears no scars from the innumerable wounds she received on the day she died.[26] As in life, she has a preference for wearing her hood up.

Sylvanas is an imposing figure, seemingly able to look down upon others even if they are taller than her. Only Garrosh Hellscream was willing to look her in the eyes following her pact with the val'kyr, and what he saw there startled even him. Lor'themar Theron described her thusly: In the hall where she stood, the light seemed to fade; it was not that it dimmed or dulled but that it collapsed and sunk into the space she occupied, as if even sunshine faltered around her.[27]


Ranger General Sylvanas

  • "Our land is impregnable. He will not enter. Do not fear. Have faith... in the Sunwell's strength, and the strength and will of our people."
  • "I am Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon. I advise you to turn back now."
  • "Do your worst. The elfgate to the inner kingdom is protected by our most powerful enchantments. You will not pass."
  • "Shindu fallah nah! Fall back to the second gate! Fall back!"
  • "Make for the Sunwell Plateau. Tell them what we have seen here. Tell them to be prepared. Tell them... we may have been betrayed."
  • "Attack! For Quel'Thalas!"
  • "Finish it... I deserve... a clean death."
  • "They are arrows in the quiver. They must be spent if we are to win this."

Dark Ranger Sylvanas

  • "What joy is there in this curse? We are still undead, sister--still monstrosities. What are we if not slaves to this torment?"
  • "You underestimated me, dreadlord. Now you're going to pay."
  • "Let's see. I've made one of your brothers my servant, and tore the other to bloody shreds. I wonder what your fate holds, Balnazzar?"
  • "The capital city is ours, but we are no longer part of the Scourge. From here on out, we shall be known as the Forsaken. We will find our own path in this world, dreadlord... and slaughter anyone who stands in our way."

World of Warcraft quotes

  • Let none survive! (Also Said in WCIII: Frozen Throne)
  • May my aim be true.(Also Said in WCIII: Frozen Throne)
  • We are the Forsaken. We will slaughter anyone who stands in our way.
  • What are we if not slaves to this torment? (Also Said in WCIII: Frozen Throne)
  • What joy is there in this curse? (Also Said in WCIII: Frozen Throne)
  • I have no time for games. (Also Said in WCIII: Frozen Throne)

Note: After Patch 3.2.0 Sylvanas has appeared to have gotten a new voice actor, her quotes all remain the same however. She is currently voiced by P.J Mattson, best known for her voice of Catwoman in the game "Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe".

During Hallow's End
Children of the Night, heed your Queen's call!
I join you in celebration of this most revered of nights - the night we Forsaken broke the Scourge's yoke of oppression!
It is this night that our enemies fear us the most. It is THIS night that we show our enemies what it means to stand against the Forsaken!
We burn the effigy of the Wickerman as a symbol of our struggle against those who would oppose us. We wear the ashes of the burnt Wickerman as a symbol of our neverending fight against those who would enslave us.
Now is the time to shake the world to its foundations! NOW is the time to remind those who would enslave us that we shall never yield!
NOW is the time of the Forsaken! Power to the Forsaken - NOW AND FOREVER!!!
During The Battle For The Undercity
  • Beg for your miserable life!
  • The Banshee Queen has plans for you!
  • The Horde will be victorious!
  • The penalty for treason is death!
  • You dare befoul my sanctum! Pay with your blood!
  • You disgust me.
  • You will be reunited with your master soon - in the afterlife.

Sound files

/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\SylvanasWindrunner\\SylvanasWindrunnerAggro01.wav") 
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\SylvanasWindrunner\\SylvanasWindrunnerAggro02.wav") 
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\SylvanasWindrunner\\SylvanasWindrunnerGreeting01.wav") 
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\SylvanasWindrunner\\SylvanasWindrunnerGreeting02.wav") 
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\SylvanasWindrunner\\SylvanasWindrunnerGreeting03.wav") 
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\SylvanasWindrunner\\SylvanasWindrunnerGreeting04.wav")

Встреча в Серебряном бору

Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Где этот шут с мозгами огра?
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: А, легок на помине!
Portals from Orgrimmar arrive with Hellscream, Hellscream's elite, and High Warlord Cromush.
Hellscream jumps from the portal down to Sylvanas.
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Надеюсь, у тебя что-то важное. Ты знаешь, что я не выношу это место и его проклятую вонь. Зачем ты позвала меня?
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: А еще мне интересно, что тут делают эти твари из Плети!
Garrosh makes a gesture at the Val'kyr.
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: После смерти их воскрешали в виде безумной нежити.
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Многие воины Плети, которым удалось сохранить рассудок, после смерти Короля-лича остались не у дел. Эти "твари", как ты их назвал, зовутся валь'кирами. Теперь они подвластны мне…
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: ...И позвала я тебя в том числе из-за них.
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Продолжай, Сильвана.
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Да, Вождь. Так вот, я сняла с Отрекшихся их проклятие!
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Мы, Отрекшиеся, не можем иметь потомства.
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Но с помощью валь'кир мы научились оживлять тела погибших и превращать их в Отрекшихся.
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Агата, покажи Вождю!
The Val'kyr Agatha proceeds to resurrect fallen corpses as Forsaken.
Верховный полководец Кромуш говорит: ВЫ С УМА СОШЛИ!
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Что ты здесь устроила, Сильвана... Это противоречит всем законам природы! Этому... нет названия!
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Вождь, без новых Отрекшихся мой народ бы вымер... Мы потеряли бы влияние в Гилнеасе и северном Лордероне.
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Ты хоть понимаешь, что это значит, Сильвана?
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Чем ты теперь отличаешься от Короля-лича?
Леди Сильвана Ветрокрылая говорит: Как это чем, Вождь? Я служу Орде.
Sylvanas mockingly salutes Garrosh.
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Попридержи свой язык, дохлятина!
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Кромуш, останься тут и следи, чтобы королеву банши хорошо охраняли. В следующий раз я жду полного отчета.
Верховный полководец Кромуш говорит: Как прикажешь, вождь!
Гаррош Адский Крик говорит: Помни, Сильвана, что в конце концов мы все предстанем перед Творцом и будем держать ответ за свои дела. Может быть, твой день не так далек...


  • An epic ring, [Band of the Ranger-General], drops from Kael'thas Sunstrider in the Eye of Tempest Keep. The description of the ring clearly states that it was formerly worn by Sylvanas.
  • Текст песни Сильваны: Анар'ала, анар'ала белоре, кель'дорай, шинду фалла на... Во имя света, во имя солнечного света, высшие эльфы, наши враги побеждают...
  • Sylvanas was originally voiced by Piera Coppola.[28] Her current voice actress is P.J. Mattson.[29]
  • Silva (or silua; it is pronounced 'sil-wa') is the Latin word for forest, and Silvanus (or Siluanus; 'sil-wa-nus') is a god of uncultivated land in Roman mythology. Both the word and the name are often invoked in regards to elves and elven characters.
  • Sylvanas' mount appears to be a Red Skeletal Warhorse, as seen in the Battle for the Undercity.
  • Sylvanas has three official wallpapers.[30][31][32]
  • In Dalaran, a rare fishing drop from the fountain is [Sylvanas Windrunner's Gold Coin], which was, as it says, once owned by Sylvanas (likely in life).
  • Sylvanas is featured in DC Unlimited's World of Warcraft: Series 6 action figure set.

Sylvanas's form

Sylvanas model comparition

Sylvanas model comparison

  • Though in life Sylvanas was a high elf, her original model in the World of Warcraft was that of a tall female night elf, but this is because that was the closest model available before The Burning Crusade. During the Wrath of the Lich King beta she was given a retextured blood elf model, and by patch 3.0.2 she was given a unique undead high elf model more reminiscent of how she appeared in The Frozen Throne. Interestingly, the outfit she wears in the Sunwell Trilogy is more similar to those of Sentinel archers than the high elf rangers in the same book.
  • Though Arthas turned her into an incorporeal banshee when he killed her, Sylvanas was later able to regain her original (albeit dead) body.[2][33] Ghostlands and the Manual of Monsters both depict her in her original body, with the abilities of both a dark ranger and a banshee.
  • In Warcraft III, Arthas defeats Sylvanas in the Eversong Woods and turns her into a banshee on the spot. Both Ghostlands and the Lament of the Highborne video would later depict Arthas placing Sylvanas' body on an altar, and performing a ritual that pulls her spirit from her body, while the Arthas novel returned to the Warcraft III version of the scene.

Lament of the Highborne


From Lament of the Highborne

Основная статья: Lament of the Highborne

Sylvanas sings the Lament of the Highborne in the Burning Crusade.[34]


The RPG Icon 16x36 Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Warcraft RPG.

As the leader of the Forsaken and the Horde on the Eastern Kingdoms, Sylvanas is a military genius. The middle sister of Alleria and Vereesa Windrunner, she was Ranger-General of the high elf kingdom of Quel'Thalas. She fought valiantly against Arthas when he invaded Quel'Thalas, but during the fall of Silvermoon, Arthas raised her as an undead minion as a form of petty revenge. When the Lich King's hold on his minions weakened, Sylvanas, among other undead, regained her free will, and she led her forces against the dreadlords who had taken hold over Lordaeron, ultimately affirming her sovereignty by killing off two of the nathrezim and bending the third, Varimathras, to her will. She renamed her force of self-aware undead the Forsaken and declared herself their queen.

Under her leadership the Forsaken have managed to not only fend off the Scourge, but also the Scarlet Crusade. She has a certain mastery of leadership, military strategy, and the bow. She is also adept at demon magic — having the ability to drain life, create skeletons, and use mind control.[35] Sylvanas is the best archer on Azeroth[36] — she claimed she could hit a flying bird in the eye. She wields Sunstrider's Longbow — once owned by Dath'Remar Sunstrider, it was passed on to Sylvanas when she became Ranger-General.[37]

As long as the Lich King survives, it is impossible to destroy Sylvanas' spirit completely. Her "destroyed" spirit restores itself within a few days. The only way to get rid of her for sure is first to destroy the Lich King and then destroy her. Her existence became linked to his during her initial creation as a banshee.[38]


Fanart Gallery

Изменения в обновлениях


Lore For Noobs


  1. Major Characters in Icecrown Citadel. Проверено 10 октября 2009.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Manual of Monsters, 186
  3. Manual of Monsters, 175
  4. Источник Вечности, стр. 16-17
  5. Источник Вечности, стр. 17
  6. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Legacy of the Damned:A Kingdom Divided.
  7. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Legacy of the Damned:The Flight from Lordaeron.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Legacy of the Damned:Sylvanas' Farewell.
  9. Horde Player's Guide, 150
  10. Horde Player's Guide, 41
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Повелитель Тьмы:Темная Охотница.
  12. 12,0 12,1 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Повелитель Тьмы:Падение Детерока.
  13. 13,0 13,1 13,2 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Legacy of the Damned:A New Power in Lordaeron.
  14. Horde Player's Guide, 180, 182
  15. Стереть в порошок
  16. Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
  17. Edge of Night, pg 3
  18. Quel'Thalas Registry
  19. In the Shadow of the Sun
  20. Quest:Lordaeron
  21. In the Shadow of the Sun
  22. Edge of Night, Page 3
  23. 26,0 26,1 26,2 26,3 26,4 Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, Page 273-274
  24. 27,0 27,1 27,2 In the Shadow of the Sun, Page 5
  30. Horde Player's Guide, 41, 150, 206
  31. Medievaldragon 22 января 2008. World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade - Lady Sylvanas: Lament of the Highborne. Blizzplanet.
  33. Manual of Monsters, 189
  34. Manual of Monsters, 175
  35. Manual of Monsters, 188

See also

  • Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night

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