Файл:C'Thun Chronicle.png

 Силитид - древняя насекомоподобная раса, созданная К'Туном и первоначально обитавшая на Калимдоре. В отличие от Кираджи, они неразумны, и тем не менее, являются опасныи противниками.[1]


Древний бог К'Тун[2] создал Силитидов из кирадж. Кирадж, в свою очередь - это изменённые в ходе эволюции акиры. Акиров создали Древние Боги во времена Чёрной Империи, а затем спрятали их в Ан'Кирадж после войны троллей с акирами.[3]

Силитиды могут быть размером с обычное насеомое, а могут быть огромными. Это зависит от размера колонии и от времени, в течение которого силитид был внутри яйца. 


Some castes of the silithid.

В начале Раскола, одна из колоний силитид была затоплена, но выжила. Её можно найти в Затопленных Раскопках, а также там будет живой Управляющий Роем. Это говорит о том, что силитиды способны долгое время жить под водой. 

Кладки силитидов развлекаются, щёлкая челюстями в сложном ритме. [4]

В Азероте ещё не описаны существа, которые бы приспосабливались к переменам окружающей среды быстрее чем силитиды. Их личинки развиваются в разные типы силитидов  в зависимости от потребностей роя. [5]

Исследование Тамми Шестерёнки показало, что после того как Саргерас вскрыл Силитус своим мечом, все силитиды стали гораздо ожесточённее и сильнее, испив кровь Азерота (азерит). [6]


Их общество разделено на классы, каждый из которых обладает уникальной внешностью  - от небольших  жучков до гигантских насекомых. Рой живёт под землёй, и именно там содержатся яйца силитидов. Гнёзда состоят преимущественно из тонеллей, дающих жизненное пространство, а также возможность защищать драгоценные яйца и личинок. Не все силитиды враждебны, но каждый  будет защищать свой рой до конца.[1]

Name Role
Silithid female Королева силитид Откладывает яйца.
SilithidLarva female Личинка силитид Молодой силитид.
SilithidColossus female Колосс силитид Огромные боевые силитиды, очень мощные. Некоторые становятся лидерами роя.
SilithidTank female Похититель силитид Основные защитники роя
Silithid female Оса силитид Очень агрессивные летающие защитники роя. 
SandReaver female Похититель песка Неизвестно. Возможно, копают тонелли.
SilithidScarab female Скарабей силитид Рабочая каста. Не нападают первыми. 
SilithidWorker female Работник силитид Рабочая каста. Не нападают первыми.
SilithidScarab female Ройщик силитид Заботится о молодых, обучает их.
SilithidScarab female Тоннельщик силитид Копает тонелли.
Silithid female Светлячок силитид Вырабатывает свет для тонеллей. 
SilithidLarva female Жучок силитид Вырабатывает свет для тонеллей. 

У некоторых силитидов модель как у скорпидов. Непонятно, является ли это признаком отдельной касты.



Locations of the silithid.

The silithid burrow their underground hives all over southern Kalimdor. All of Silithus is under their control, and they have hives in Feralas, Tanaris, Un'Goro Crater, and the Shimmering Flats. They've even been sighted in small numbers in The Barrens. Most of these locations are deprived of water, and silithid have been spotted at water posts in Tanaris. Perhaps their survival or nutrition relies heavily on water.




Файл:Rustmaul Dig Site inside.jpg

A part of the Rustmaul Digsite silithid hive.

Each of the three hives in Silithus has a crystalline prism in it. They are apparently a means for the qiraji and other unknown entities to communicate various messages to the silithid.[7]

Major hives

  • Hive'ZoraSilithus
  • Hive'AshiSilithus
  • Hive'RegalSilithus
  • Hive'ZaraRuins of Ahn'Qiraj
  • VeknissTemple of Ahn'Qiraj

Minor hives

  • GorishiUn'Goro Crater
  • Zukk'ashFeralas
  • CentipaarTanaris
  • HazzaliTanaris
  • Swarming Pillar Hive — Silithus
  • Rustmaul DigsiteThousand Needles
  • Field of Giants Hives — The Barrens

As a mount

Основная статья: Qiraji battle tank mounts

Qiraji battle tank mounts rare drops in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. They come in several colors: Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal, Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal, Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal, and Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal and can only be used inside the instance.

There is also a Black Qiraji Battle Tank, but it was possible to obtain one only during the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj event. It is usable outside the instances, thus rare sightings of these mounts outside Ahn'Qiraj are possible.

As a companion pet

Основная статья: Silithid Hatchling
  • Silithid Hatchlings can be captured in pet battles in Tanaris during sandstorms.

As a hunter pet

Шаблон:Petbox Nearly all of the castes of the silithid can be tamed by hunters, however, the ones marked as silithid can only be tamed by having Exotic Beasts. The castes under this category are the reavers, workers, and colossi. As with most exotic pets, they amount to a juiced-up version of a more common pet. In the silithid's case, this common pet would be the Spider.

Although silithid can be found between the levels of 31 to 61, hunters will not be able to tame any until level 69.

Other castes
  • The silithid wasps are tamed as wasps.
  • The silithid scarabs are tamed as beetles.
  • There are also some silithid that appear and tamable as scorpids.

Patch changes

Шаблон:Patch 6.0.2 Шаблон:Patch 4.0.1 WotLK Обновление 3.0.2 (14-10-2008): Became tamable.


  • It was originally stated that silithid came from the Well of Eternity, and then C'Thun made the qiraji in their image.[8]
  • During the patch 7.3.5 PTR, The Source of Power (Horde) was a quest specifying that the silithid communicate differently from any other species yet encountered on Azeroth, that they share a telepathic connection through a central consciousness somewhere within their hive and that the hives themselves may actually be a complex living organism. That quest was cut before release.[9]

In the RPG

The RPG Icon 16x36 Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Warcraft RPG.

Silithid are an intelligent insectoid race that have grown in strength and power in recent years. They first appeared in the region called Silithus, but have since founded colonies in neighboring areas, usually far from native settlements. They sometimes prove impartial to travelers, but defend their territory ferociously from invaders.[10]

Scholars disagree on the origins of the silithid. Some believe they are an offshoot of the arachnoid Nerubians, an insect race that mostly dwells in the northern regions of Azeroth. Others believe they are a new race heretofore unknown on Azeroth, possibly having arrived from another world elsewhere in the Twisting Nether, much as the orcs once did. Still others posit that they are servants of the qiraji, and that their presence in Southern Kalimdor is a harbinger of the qiraji invasion.[10]

To a humanoid's eyes, silithid are enormous bugs, most of man-size or larger, with powerful natural weapons at their disposal. The silithid build structures out of natural materials using their bodily secretions. Silithid hives are immense, alien affairs with towering antenna-like spires jutting out of the earth. In the maze of tunnels below, the creatures raise their young, tend to their wounded, manage food storage, and fend off invaders.[10]

Silithid are capable of communicating by touching antennae to one another. They can also send simple messages to larger groups by sending out chemical signals in the air. Individual silithid possess a certain level of animal cunning, but are unintelligent. They exist to serve the hive, and are specialized in their roles. Wasps attack, tunnelers dig, reavers defend, swarmers train, queens lay eggs, and so on. A silithid instinctively gives its life for the colony.[10]

Most scholars agree that a silithid begins life by hatching from an egg. At this point the young silithid is a broodling — a larval state as yet unspecialized for any role in the hive. Eventually, the broodling encases itself in a cocoon and changes into its new form — a wasp, reaver, swarmer, or possibly some other as-yet unknown type of silithid. While silithid haven’t been a visible part of the world long enough for anyone to accurately gauge their lifespans, some researchers think that after achieving adulthood, a common silithid can live for up to 5 years, although queens can survive for decades.[10]


Some believe the silithid's insect-like appearance is derived from the movie Starship Troopers (1997), where a group of insectoids do battle with humans in space. Similar suggestions have been put forth about the Zerg from Blizzard's Starcraft series. Blizzard has also claimed that they derived some inspiration from Starship Troopers for Starcraft (most likely the book given that the movie and Starcraft were in production at the same time). However, it has also been suggested that both Warcraft and Starcraft were derived from the Warhammer and Warhammer 40k franchises (which are themselves derived from Lord of the Rings and Starship Troopers respectively), making the tyranids another potential source for inspiration.

The silithid hives show similarities to the works of surrealist artist H.R. Giger, possibly being inspired by his work.

See also

  • Origin of the races: The evolution of the aqir
  • Arachnathid


  1. 1,0 1,1 Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 181
  2. World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume II Issue I, 98. (File:Ancient offshoot and others official.jpg)
  3. Ask CDev 1
  4. Silithid Hatchling
  5. Larvae By The Dozen (Alliance)
  6. The Source of Power
  7. Unraveling the Mystery
  8. Prophecy of C'Thun
  9. Wowhead
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 10,4 Blizzard Entertainment. Monster Guide, 121. ISBN 9781588469366. 

External links


Шаблон:Creaturefooter Шаблон:Silithid Шаблон:Hunter pets
