Изображение для Изера
Титул Спящая, Королева Снов, Зеленая, Хозяйка Снов
Пол Женский
Раса Зеленый дракон (Дракон)
Уровень ?? Босс
Здоровье 1,394,000
Мана 425,000
Фракция Род зеленых драконов, Аспекты Драконов, Храм Драконьего Покоя
Драконий Аспект природы, Королева изумрудного сна, Аспект зелёных драконов
Зона Emerald Dragonshrine Dragonblight, Cataclysm Hyjal mountain
Статус умерла в Legion
Родственники Eranikus (consort), Мериса (дочь), Itharius (brother-in-law), Алекстраза (сестра)
Ученик(и) Кенарий
Модель в Icon-3D-48x48

Изера, Аспект зелёных драконов, правит царством Изумрудного сна и следит за охраной Азерота. Она также является приемной матерью полубога Кенария. Ранее известная как Изера Спящая, она не так давно проснулась от сна в Изумрудном сне, и поэтому не может провести чёткую грань между сном и реальностью. 



Ysera is green, and her skin glitters with countless emeralds for scales. Her physical form is ghostly, ethereal, like watching a living dream or vision. The Emerald Dream is a place where all living beings dream when sleeping. It is a place of where sentient beings have dreams of hope, and faith for a better tomorrow. From the Emerald Dream, Ysera can observe all lesser races. Her eyes are always closed, although you can see her pupils move constantly below her eyelids as if watching many dreams at once.

There are only a few recorded moments in history where Ysera has opened her eyes. When she does, a person can see eyes of many colors, like a rainbow. The eyes of every sentient creature can be seen at once through her eyes. Ysera opened her eyes during the War of the Ancients after seeing Malorne dead, and again when addressing Malfurion Stormrage on his druidic prowess. She opened them another time during the Second War, before Krasus, when he tried to convince her to help free Alexstrasza. Ysera also opened her eyes after she regained her powers during the fight against Deathwing.

Война Древних

Основная статья: Война Древних

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Изера и Алекстраза позже попадались ссохшиеся трупы двух прото-драконов, в том числе старые Тарыс Малигос спутником. Небольшой и в ужасе фиолетовый прото-дракон настаивал на том, что Галакронд съели мертвых драконов, которые соответствуют теории Малигос уже высказывал две сестры. Они пошели, чтобы принести Малигосу, чтобы он мог встретить фиолетовый дракона. После его прибытия трупов зашевелился и напал, как нежить. Алекстраза, Малигос, Изера и разорвали их.

Изера была одним из более умные из прото-драконов, способных разбитых речи в отличие от большинства других, более звероподобных в своем роде. Рождается меньше, чем в среднем протодракон, Изера была больна и желтоватый цвет. Она и две ее сестры, Алекстраза и Dralad, где единственные выжившие из их сцепления. А кто-то как малые, как Изера обычно вскоре погибает после вылупления, Алекстраза продолжал заботиться о ее младшей сестре. В день, когда десятки прото-драконов собрались охотиться на карибу, Изера подошел к сине-бело прото-дракон по имени Малигос, чтобы спросить его о труп ее брата, который Малигос был найден рядом Алекстразы. Она сказала, что там был еще один труп, она и Алекстраза не нашел, хотя Алекстраза сделала ей замечание, сказав, что они договорились не говорить об этом. Двое спорили, но они были прерваны внезапным появлением Галакронд. После огромного террора улетел, уверенный серый прото-дракона по имени Нелтарион язвил их все бояться. Изера и Алекстраза позже бы через сморщенные .

Изера считает, что она сможет образумить Галакронд и нежить прото-драконов, к ужасу ее друзей.

Well of Eternity - Ysera

Ysera in the Well of Eternity instance.

Eonar the titan blessed Alexstrasza's younger sister, the lithe green dragon Ysera, with a portion of nature's influence. Ysera fell into an eternal trance, bound to the waking Dream of Creation. Known as the Dreamer, she would watch over the growing wilds of the world from her verdant realm, the Emerald Dream. According to War of the Ancients, Ysera was said to be the mother of Cenarius, and close friends of Malorne. It was later revealed that Ysera was only the adoptive mother. Ysera taught Cenarius the secrets of the Emerald Dream, forming a close bond with him. Ysera was one of the Dragon Aspects that gave some of her power to the Demon Soul, not knowing Neltharion would betray the Aspects. After the War of the Ancients, Alexstrasza planted a magical acorn from the Mother Tree G'Hanir within the second Well of Eternity, created by Illidan. The Tree grew large till it reached the heavens and was crowned Nordrassil. Ysera enchanted the tree so that it would be bound to the Emerald Dream.

День Дракона

Основная статья: День Дракона

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At the behest of Krasus, Ysera, Malygos and Nozdormu grudgingly agreed to come out of their lairs and fight Deathwing. Due to the power they had given to the Demon Soul, they were no match for the Black Aspect - until the mage Rhonin was able to take the Demon Soul from Nekros and destroy it, releasing the powers the dragons had given to it ten thousand years earlier. With their powers restored, and the newly-freed Alexstrasza joining the fight, Deathwing was forced to retreat.

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Ysera fell silent when the Emerald Nightmare began, and some of her most trusted lieutenants (Lethon, Emeriss, Taerar and Ysondre) were warped by a dark power within the Emerald Dream.

Wrath of the Lich King

New Ysera (Emerald Dragonshrine)

Ysera in the Dragonblight.

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Ysera appears at the Emerald Dragonshrine in Dragonblight. Recently, Nishera the Garden Keeper asked Ysera for help against the Scourge — who were raising frost wyrms at the other dragonshrines. Instead, Ysera, affected by the Nightmare, commanded the defenders of the Emerald Dragonshrine to attack anyone not of the green dragonflight.


During the battle against Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, Ysera appears in night-elf form, along with the other Aspects, during a flashback of the creation of the Dragon Soul, ten thousand years earlier. Oddly enough, Ysera's eyes are open in the vision, the reverse of her usual habit; they are also blue, a change from both Ysera's green and the night elf norm of silver or gold.

Сражение с Кошмарным Лордом

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Following the defeat of the Lich King, the situation in the Emerald Dream became even more dire, as the insidious Nightmare Lord unfolded his master plan to enslave Azeroth. Though Lethon tried to kidnap her, Ysera defended herself and she led the green dragons, ancients and druids against the Nightmare. Later when Thura was about to release Malfurion, Ysera led her dragons to a tree where Malfurion was trapped. When the archdruid was free, Ysera saw her consort, Eranikus, trapped with the Nightmare and she rushed off to help him. However, the trapped consort was in fact Lethon in Eranikus' disguise and Ysera got trapped within the Nightmare. The Emerald Dream's nightmare worsened and thus the Nightmare was able to completely swallow both, the Emerald Dream and Azeroth.

The Aspect remained imprisoned within the Eye of Ysera for most of the remainder of the crisis, working with Lucan Foxblood to assist Malfurion in stopping the Nightmare. Ysera was freed again by her consort Eranikus, who sacrificed himself to free her. Ysera was forced to leave the remainder of the battle to Malfurion, who was ultimately successful in stopping Xavius and largely halting the Nightmare. Ysera with Alextrasza, later presided over the long-awaited wedding of Malfurion and Tyrande, and gave her blessing to Teldrassil, which she had withheld when the tree was first made. [2][3]


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Ysera helped Malfurion Stormrage and Hamuul Runetotem to protect Mount Hyjal and Nordrassil. She later aided in the restoration of the world tree and the war against Ragnaros.

Сумерки Аспектов

Основная статья: Тралл: Сумерки Аспектов

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During a meeting at Wyrmrest Temple, Ysera arrived unannounced, her eyes open. Now known as Ysera the Awakened, she revealed that she had seen a vision of the Hour of Twilight, and the end of all life on Azeroth. In order to prevent this terrible future, she called upon the aid of Thrall, setting him on a quest to find Nozdormu within the timeways.

Ysera later joined Thrall and the other Aspects in battle against the Twilight Dragonflight in the skies above the Dragonblight, and helped defeat the chromatic monstrosity, Chromatus.


Ysera gazes upon the Well of Eternity.

Ярость Огненных Просторов

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Ysera was present at both, the meeting of restoring Nordrassil and the wedding of Thrall and Aggra.

Заряд Аспекты

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Following his Elemental Bonds ordeal, Ysera realized that Thrall had established a connection with the earth that went far beyond mere communication with the elements. She helped the shaman understand and test his new abilities.

While meditating, Ysera had a flashback to the creation of the Dragon Soul. Realizing that it might be the only weapon powerful enough to defeat Deathwing, Ysera conferred with the other Aspects. Kalecgos suggested that the artifact could be modified to harm Deathwing, while Nozdormu proposed a plan to retrieve it from the past when it was in its purest form - during the War of the Ancients.[4]

Battle of the Aspects

The Aspects fighting Deathwing.

Час Тьмы

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Along with Alexstrasza, Ysera appears in the Well of Eternity instance. Ysera also appears in the Dragon Soul raid. Like the other Aspects, she bestows her power upon the Dragon Soul so Thrall can use it to vanquish Deathwing once and for all.

The battle for Azeroth ended when a final attack from the Dragon Soul, infused with the essence of each Aspect, completely obliterated Deathwing. Alexstrasza stated that by averting the Hour of Twilight, the Aspects had fulfilled their great purpose. With their ancient powers expended, Ysera and the other remaining Aspects became mortal.

Рассвет Аспектов

Основная статья: Рассвет Аспектов

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Эпоха драконов завершена.


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Cenarius slowly fell to the Emerald Nightmare, Ysera tried to find a cure for him, but she herself was corrupted by Xavius into a dragon of Nightmare. Together, Ysera and Xavius captured Malfurion Stormrage. When hearing this, Tyrande rushed to save her husband, but Xavius told her that she must choose between spending Furion's last moments with him, or to return to Temple of Elune in order to defend it from Ysera and her forces. Tyrande choose to defend the temple, during the attack, Ysera was killed. Ysera can later be found in ghost form in the Emerald Dream after Xavius is defeated

Appearance and abilities

Ysera is green, and her skin glitters with countless emeralds for scales. Her physical form is ghostly, ethereal, like watching a living dream or vision. The Emerald Dream is a place where all living beings dream when sleeping. It is a place of where sentient beings have dreams of hope, and faith for a better tomorrow. From the Emerald Dream, Ysera can observe all lesser races. Her eyes are always closed, although you can see her pupils move constantly below her eyelids as if watching many dreams at once.

There are only a few recorded moments in history where Ysera has opened her eyes. When she does, a person can see eyes of many colors, like a rainbow. The eyes of every sentient creature can be seen at once through her eyes. Ysera opened her eyes during the War of the Ancients after seeing Malorne dead, and again when addressing Malfurion Stormrage on his druidic prowess. She opened them another time during the Second War, before Krasus, when he tried to convince her to help free Alexstrasza. Ysera also opened her eyes after she regained her powers during the fight against Deathwing. Ysera fought alongside the other Dragon Aspects against the evil of Deathwing while Rhonin destroyed the Demon Soul. She regained her full powers once the Demon Soul was destroyed. (This story is told in the novel Day of the Dragon.)

Ysera can assume the form of a female from any race, which she chooses depending on whom she is talking to. Often she wears a dress of emerald green, emerald jewellery, and has emerald-green hair.

Ysera avoids and dislikes combat, especially in her realm. When angered, she is terrible, paranoid and impulsive. She keeps herself isolated in the Eye of Ysera within the Emerald Dream, and is rarely seen in the real world. When she does visit the living plane, she shapeshifts into a humanoid form, covered by a green hood, and her eyes are always closed.

When in combat, she attacks with her greenish breath to put her opponents to sleep, and rarely strikes to kill. She prefers to neutralize her enemies and banish them away from her realm.

Ysera can travel from mind to mind to travel anywhere she wishes by entering the dreams of any living being sleeping. She may enter the dreams of a target to communicate with or warn the sleeping creature. Ysera has the ability to planeshift between the real world and the Emerald Dream.


  • Her name is pronounced ee-SER-ah (it is spoken aloud during a scripted quest event, and by Valithria Dreamwalker).
  • At some point in the Cataclysm Beta, Ysera would have done battle with Ragnaros in Hyjal.
  • Ysera's humanoid model has a night elven appearance, but uses high/blood elven animations.


Upon Completion of Quest:Return to Nordrassil:

I fear for Alysra's fate. Fandral's corruption ran deeper than anything I encountered in the nightmare. Yet we can't afford to dwell on this.
During my stay in the dream I made a vital discovery. The rift that weakens the boundaries of this world has hastened the return of powerful allies.
The Ancient Guardians are coming back. Cenarius, Aviana, Goldrinn... I can feel their presence. We must make sure we usher them into this world. Their timely aid will be indispensable.

Upon Completion of Quest:Return from the Firelands:

<Player>, you have unleashed the wolf ancient and defeated his shadow. Your actions already reverberate across the dream - thank you. But more remains to the done...
  • "You slip quicker and quicker toward the final rest, brave one. Is there something you would ask of me before that happens?"
  • "Perhaps The Creators should have made you Father Of Life instead of Guardian Of Magic, Malygos!" (poking fun of him, much to his displeasure.)
  • "Brothers they may not in blood, but they are truly brothers in nature." (refering Malygos and Neltharion)
  • "Mention not that one! He is one whose dreams I will never enter - again. He is one who is quite possibly more terrible in his sleep than even waking."
  • "Deathwing it was who created the Demon Soul, and for a good cause at the time, so we believed. Believed so much that we did as he asked, imparted to it some measure of our power."
  • "That terrible glow! Should that be?" - after Deathwing created the Dragon Soul.
  • "To the night elves, who have lost their hopes, I give forth the ability to Dream again. To Dream, to Imagine, for in that is the best hope of rebuilding, of recovering, of growing... And to those who follow the path of one held special by me - and mine - I grant him and the other druids to come the path into the Emerald Dream, where, even in their deepest sleep, they may cross the world, learn from it, and draw upon its own strength... the better to guide Kalimdor's health and safety throughout the future." - Ysera's blessing upon Nordrassil at the end of the War of the Ancients and the Great Sundering of Azeroth.[5]
  • Deathwing's conjuring the final Cataclysm - even the Emerald Dream trembles! If we're to stop the spell, we must attack him together. (When Deathwing casts Cataclysm)
  • The Dreamer has awoken.
  • Much remains to be done.
  • The Dream gives us shelter, the Dream gives us hope.
  • We all play a part in natures plan.
  • How would you like to sleep... FOREVER?




Изменения в патчах

  • Шаблон:Patch 4.3.0
  • Шаблон:Patch 4.2.0
  • Шаблон:Patch 4.0.3a
  • WotLK Обновление 3.1.0 (14-04-2009): Seen during the Yogg-Saron encounter.
  • Шаблон:Patch 3.0.3


  1. Shadows & Light, 97
  2. Knaak, Richard A.. Stormrage. ISBN 978-1-4156-5087-7. 
  3. Knaak, Richard A.. "30", Stormrage, 395. ISBN 978-1-4156-5087-7. 
  4. Charge of the Aspects
  5. Knaak, Richard A.. "22", War of the Ancients Archive / The Sundering, 710-711. ISBN 978-1-4165-5203-1. “To the night elves, who have lost their hopes...” 

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