World of Warcraft Wiki
World of Warcraft Wiki
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Główne zmiany[]

  • Poprawa kilku błędów.

World of Warcraft Client Patch 2.0.4[]

  • Fixed a bug where flags in Arathi Basin could be captured at extremely long distances.
  • Fixed a bug where players who had set dungeons to Heroic difficulty level previous to patch 2.0.3 could no longer enter instances.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing multiple LUA errors in the German and French battlegrounds.

Undocumented changes[]

The following is a list of undocumented changes observed by players. They may not be agreed upon by everyone. They are not part of the Blizzard Release Notes.

  • Fixed several raid interface bugs
  • Fixed a bug where flags in Alterac Valley could be captured at extremely long distances. (Cannot confirm; rogues can still exploit DBAS)

External links[]
