World of Warcraft Wiki
World of Warcraft Wiki

Korzeń Życia

Korzeń życia jest zielem, zebranie go wymaga 150 punktów Zielarstwa.

Miejsca występowania[]

Korzeń życia jako ingrediencja[]


  • Inv potion 52 Większa mikstura leczenia
  • Inv potion 79 Potężna mikstrua z krwi trolli
  • Inv potion 06 Mikstura ochrony przed naturą

Linki zewnętrzne[]

Apprentice [Peacebloom] · [Silverleaf] · [Earthroot] · [Mageroyal] · [Swiftthistle] · [Bloodthistle]
Journeyman [Briarthorn] · [Stranglekelp] · [Bruiseweed] · [Wild Steelbloom] · [Grave Moss] · [Kingsblood]
Expert [Liferoot] · [Fadeleaf] · [Goldthorn] · [Khadgar's Whisker] · [Wintersbite] · [Firebloom] · [Purple Lotus] · [Wildvine]
Artisan [Arthas' Tears] · [Sungrass] · [Blindweed] · [Ghost Mushroom] · [Gromsblood] · [Golden Sansam] · [Dreamfoil] · [Mountain Silversage] · [Plaguebloom] · [Icecap] ·

[Black Lotus] · [Bloodvine]

Master TBC [Felweed] · [Dreaming Glory] · [Ragveil] · [Flame Cap] · [Terocone] · [Ancient Lichen] · [Netherbloom] · [Nightmare Vine] · [Mana Thistle] · [Fel Lotus]
Grand Master Wotlk [Tiger Lily] · [Talandra's Rose] · [Goldclover] · [Deadnettle] · [Fire Leaf] · [Adder's Tongue] · [Lichbloom] · [Icethorn] · [Frost Lotus]
Illustrius Grand Master Cataclysm [Stormvine] · [Heartblossom] · [Cinderbloom] · [Azshara's Veil] · [Whiptail]  · [Twilight Jasmine]
Zen Master Mists of Pandaria [Green Tea Leaf] · [Rain Poppy] · [Silkweed] · [Snow Lily] · [Fool's Cap]  · [Golden Lotus]  · [Desecrated Herb]
Draenor WoD [Frostweed] · [Fireweed] · [Gorgrond Flytrap] · [Starflower] · [Nagrand Arrowbloom]  · [Talador Orchid]