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I World of Warcraft er det delt opp i land (Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, etc) som er delt opp i flere store soner kjent som regioner, som igjen er delt opp i mindre soner.
Soner er områder av kartet som er del inn med spesiell temae, mobs og landskap. Disse områdene har grensern på lik linje med fylker og land, men fortsatt usynlige.
Soner kan inneholde undersoner, byer, landsbyer, og instances. Fr eksempel, sonen Dun Morogh inneholder undersonene Coldridge Valley, byen Ironforge,landsbyen Kharanos, og instancen Gnomeregan.
Eastern Kingdoms[]
Region | Level | PvP Status | Key Towns | Notes | Map |
Elwynn Forest | 1-10 | Alliance | Goldshire, (Stormwind City) | Human start område, The Stockade instance, Darkmoon Faire site | WW |
Eversong Woods | 1-10 | Horde | Falconwing Square, Fairbreeze Village, (Silvermoon City) | Blood elf startområde | WW |
Dun Morogh | 1-12 | Alliance | Kharanos, (Ironforge) | Dwarf og gnome startområde, Gnomeregan instance | WW |
Tirisfal Glades | 1-10 | Horde | Brill, (Undercity) | Undead startområde, Scarlet Monastery instance, Ruins of Lordaeron Arena | WW |
Ghostlands | 10-20 | Horde | Tranquillien | Blood elf område, Zul'Aman instance entrance | WW |
Loch Modan | 10-20 | Alliance | Thelsamar | Dwarf og Gnome område | WW |
Silverpine Forest | 10-20 | Horde | The Sepulcher | Undead område, Shadowfang Keep instance | WW |
Westfall | 10-20 | Alliance | Sentinel Hill | Human område, Deadmines instance | WW |
Redridge Mountains | 15-25 | Contested | Lakeshire | Alliance område | WW |
Duskwood | 18-30 | Contested | Darkshire | Alliance område, Twilight Grove - Emerald Dream portal | WW |
Hillsbrad Foothills | 20-30 | Contested | Southshore, Tarren Mill | WW | |
Wetlands | 20-30 | Contested | Menethil Harbor | Alliance område, lokasjonen til Grim Batol | WW |
Alterac Mountains | 30-40 | Contested | Alterac Valley battleground | WW | |
Arathi Highlands | 30-40 | Contested | Refuge Point, Hammerfall | Arathi Basin battleground | WW |
Stranglethorn Vale | 31-45 | Contested | Booty Bay, Grom'gol Base Camp, Rebel Camp | Zul'Gurub instance | WW |
Badlands | 35-45 | Contested | Kargath | Uldaman instance | WW |
Swamp of Sorrows | 35-45 | Contested | Stonard | Horde område, Temple of Atal'Hakkar instance | WW |
The Hinterlands | 40-50 | Contested | Mal:Alliance Icon smallAerie Peak, Revantusk Village | Seradane - Emerald Dream portal | WW |
Searing Gorge | 45-50 | Contested | Thorium Point | Flere instancer (i Blackrock Mountain) | WW |
The Blasted Lands | 45-55 | Contested | Nethergarde Keep | Dark Portal - adgang til Outland | WW |
Burning Steppes | 50-58 | Contested | Morgan's Vigil, Flame Crest | Flere instancer (i Blackrock Mountain) | WW |
Western Plaguelands | 50-58 | Contested | Chillwind Camp | Scholomance instance | WW |
Eastern Plaguelands | 53-60 | Contested | Light's Hope Chapel, Ebon Hold | Stratholme og Naxxramas instances | WW |
The Scarlet Enclave | 55-58 | Contested | Ebon Hold | Death Knight startområde. Ble en undersone i Eastern Plaguelands etter ødeleggelsen i death knightens start quest. | WW
Blackrock Mountain | 49-60 | Contested | BRD, LBRS, UBRS, Molten Core, BWL instances | - | |
Deadwind Pass | 55-70 | Contested | Karazhan instance | WW | |
Isle of Quel'Danas | 67-70+ * | Contested | Sun's Reach | Magisters' Terrace and Sunwell Plateau instances | - |
Region | Level | PvP Status | Key Towns | Notes | Map |
Azuremyst Isle | 1-10 | Alliance | Azure Watch, (The Exodar) | Draenei startområde | WW |
Durotar | 1-10 | Horde | Razor Hill, Sen'jin Village, (Orgrimmar) | Orc og troll startområde, (Ragefire Chasm instance) | WW |
Mulgore | 1-10 | Horde | Bloodhoof Village, (Thunder Bluff) | Tauren startområde, Darkmoon Faire site | WW |
Teldrassil | 1-10 | Alliance | Dolanaar, (Darnassus) | Night elf startområde | WW |
Bloodmyst Isle | 10-20 | Alliance | Blood Watch | Draenei område | WW |
Darkshore | 10-20 | Alliance | Auberdine | Night elf område | WW |
The Barrens | 10-25 | Horde | Crossroads, Camp Taurajo, Ratchet | Wailing Caverns, Razorfen Kraul, og Razorfen Downs instances | WW |
Stonetalon Mountains | 15-27 | Contested | Stonetalon Peak, Sun Rock Retreat | Horde område | WW |
Ashenvale | 18-30 | Contested | Astranaar, Forest Song, Splintertree Post, Zoram'gar Outpost | Alliance område, Blackfathom Deeps instance, Warsong Gulch battleground, Bough Shadow - Emerald Dream portal |
WW |
Thousand Needles | 25-35 | Contested | Freewind Post | Horde område | WW |
Desolace | 30-40 | Contested | Nijel's Point, Shadowprey Village | Horde område, Maraudon instance | WW |
Dustwallow Marsh | 35-45 | Contested | Theramore, Brackenwall Village, Mudsprocket | Onyxia's Lair instance | WW |
Feralas | 40-50 | Contested | Feathermoon Stronghold, Thalanaar, Camp Mojache | Dire Maul instance, Dream Bough - Emerald Dream portal | WW |
Tanaris | 40-50 | Contested | Gadgetzan | Zul'Farrak og Caverns of Time instances, lokasjonen til Uldum | WW |
Azshara | 45-55 | Contested | Talrendis Point, Valormok | WW | |
Felwood | 48-55 | Contested | Talonbranch Glade, Bloodvenom Post, Emerald Sanctuary | WW | |
Un'goro Crater | 48-55 | Contested | Marshal's Refuge | WW | |
Winterspring | 53-60 | Contested | Everlook | Blokkert ingang til Hyjal | WW |
Silithus | 55-60 | Contested | Cenarion Hold | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj og Temple of Ahn'Qiraj instances | WW |
Moonglade | N/A | Contested | Nighthaven | Druid område; nesten en fiendeløs sone, bortsett fra Eranikus (summoned, med fiender) og Omen (Lunar Festival) |
WW |
Region | Level | PvP Status | Key Towns | Notes | Map |
Hellfire Peninsula | 58-63 | Contested (Sanctuary at Stair of Destiny) |
Honor Hold, Thrallmar, Temple of Telhamat, {Falcon Watch | Hellfire Citadel instances | WW |
Zangarmarsh | 60-64 | Contested | Telredor, Zabra'jin, Orebor Harborage, Swamprat Post, Cenarion Refuge, Sporeggar | Coilfang Reservoir instances | WW |
Terokkar Forest | 62-65 | Contested (Sanctuary within Shattrath) |
Allerian Stronghold, Stonebreaker Hold, (Shattrath City) | Auchindoun instances, Darkmoon Faire site | WW |
Nagrand | 64-67 | Contested | Telaar, Garadar, Halaa | Ring of Trials arena | WW |
Blade's Edge Mountains | 65-68 | Contested | Sylvanaar, Thunderlord Stronghold, Toshley's Station, Mok'Nathal Village, Evergrove | Gruul's Lair, Circle of Blood arena | WW |
Netherstorm | 67-70 | Contested | Area 52, Stormspire, Cosmowrench | Tempest Keep instances, Eye of the Storm battleground | WW |
Shadowmoon Valley | 67-70 | Contested | Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Village, Altar of Sha'tar (Aldor), Sanctum of the Stars (Scryer) | Black Temple instance | WW |
Region | Level | PvP Status | Key Towns | Notes | Map |
Borean Tundra | 68-72 | Contested | Valiance Keep, Fizzcrank Airstrip, Warsong Hold, Bor'gorok Outpost,Taunka'le Village, Unu'pe, Amber Ledge, Transitus Shield | The Nexus instances | WW |
Howling Fjord | 68-72 | Contested | Valgarde, New Agamand, Westguard Keep, Mal:HordeVengeance Landing, Camp Winterhoof, Apothecary Camp, Fort Wildervar, Kamagua | Utgarde Keep instances | WW |
Dragonblight | 71-74 | Contested | Wintergarde Keep, Stars' Rest, Fordragon Hold, Moa'ki Harbor, Wyrmrest Temple, Agmar's Hammer, Kor'kron Vanguard, Venomspite | Naxxramas, Azjol-Nerub and Chamber of Aspects instances | WW |
Grizzly Hills | 73-75 | Contested | Amberpine Lodge, Westfall Brigade Encampment, Conquest Hold, Camp Oneqwah | Drak'Tharon Keep instance | WW |
Crystalsong Forest | 74-76 | Contested (Sanctuary within Dalaran) |
Windrunner's Overlook, Sunreaver's Command, (Dalaran) | Dalaran svever over sonen. Violet Hold instance i Dalaran. | WW |
Zul'Drak | 74-77 | Contested | Ebon Watch, Light's Breach, The Argent Stand, Zim'Torga, Gundrak | Gundrak instance | WW |
Sholazar Basin | 75-78 | Contested | Nesingwary Base Camp, River's Heart | WW | |
Storm Peaks | 76-80 | Contested | K3, Bouldercrag's Refuge, Dun Niffelem, Ulduar, Grom'arsh Crash-Site, Camp Tunka'lo, Frosthold, Brann's Base-Camp | Ulduar instances | WW |
Wintergrasp | 77-80 | PvP zone | Mal:Alliance Icon smallValiance Landing Camp, Warsong Camp | Zone er ren PvP sone, selv på PvE realms. Kan kun nås med flying mount Vault of Archavon raid instance. | WW |
Icecrown | 77-80 | Contested | The Argent Vanguard, Death's Rise, The Shadow Vault, Crusaders' Pinnacle | Icecrown Citadel instances | WW |