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LeatherworkingはDruid、Hunter、Shaman、Rogue向けのLeather/MailのArmorや Armorを強化する各Armor Kitをを作成することができます。 ハイレベルになると3つの専門職へ分岐しより各Class向けに特化した装備を作成できるようになるでしょう。 材料は主に皮を使用するのでSkinningとの組み合わせが良いでしょう。 Leatherworkingは殆どの場合、Blacksmithingと違いアイテムを作成する際に必要なAnvilやハンマーなどと特殊な道具は不要で 必要な材料を持っていればどこでも作成することができます。



3x Ruined Leather Scraps 1x Light Leather
4x Light Leather 1x Medium Leather
5x Medium Leather 1x Heavy Leather
6x Heavy Leather 1x Thick Leather
6x Thick Leather 1x Rugged Leather
5x Knothide Leather Scraps 1x Knothide Leather
5x Knothide Leather 1x Heavy Knothide Leather


not found (lw1.jpg) Light Armor Kit 胸、脚、手、足いずれかの装備にArmor値を+8します。※上位ランクあり。
not found (lw2.jpg) Light Leather Quiver 矢筒、通常の物よりも多く収納できます。またBow/Crossbowを撃つ速度が10%上昇します。※上位ランクあり。
not found (lw3.jpg) Small Leather Ammo Pouch 弾入れ、通常の物よりも多く収納できます。Gunを撃つ速度が10%上昇します。※上位ランクあり。
not found (lw4.jpg) Heavy Leather Ball 革製のボールです。キャッチボールして遊びましょう。
not found (lw5.jpg) Stormshroud Armor Leather製のChest。Critical Strike+2%上昇、Dadge+1%上昇が付いています。※Elemental Leatherworkingのみ。
not found (lw6.jpg) Black Dragonscale Shoulders Mail製のShoulder。+40 Attack Power上昇の他にFire Resistが付いています。※Dragonscale Leatherworkingのみ。
not found (lw7.jpg) Hide of the Wild Healer向けマント、Heal効果が+42されるので人気があります。※Tribal Leatherworkingのみ。


Trainer List[]

ランク 必要スキル スキル上限 Req.Lv 備考
Apprentice - 75 5 首都等
Journeyman 50 150 10 首都等
Expert 125 225 20 Darnassus(Ally) Thunder Bluff(Horde)
Artisan 200 300 35 HinterlandのAerie Peak(Ally) FalarasのCamp Mojache(Horde)
Master 275? 375 50? Honor Hold等(Ally) Thrallmar等(Horde)
Grand Master 350 450 65 Alliance Crest Human female Rosemary Bovard - Borean Tundra
Alliance Crest Human female Bernadette Dexter - Howling Fjord
Horde Crest Undead male Gunter Hansen - Howling Fjord
Horde Crest Taunka male Awan Iceborn - Borean Tundra
Human female Diane Cannings - Dalaran
Troll male Kul'de - Icecrown


Lv40?(35?) & Skill225より、ドラゴンスケイル・エレメンタル・トライバルの3の専門職へ分岐します。 ※スキル獲得クエストはLv55表示(ドラゴンスケイルの場合) ※Lv44,Skill238でクエスト受けられました。thotbotなんかの書き込みと合わせて考えるに、トレイナー3人全員に会ってないとダメなんじゃないか、という気がします。(全てのサブクラスを知った上で選べ、という感じ?) ※Lv41,Skill226でドラゴンスケイルのクエストは受けられました。Tribalのトレーナーには、相手にされず。Elementalのトレーナーには会っていない。(各トレーナーのクエストレベルが違うだけのような気がします)

スキル300以降は、各Specialize向けにスキル350、375で高性能の自分専用装備の作り方をそれぞれのトレーナーが教えてくれます (Elemental LWで確認)。これらはすべてBoPで、さらに装備するには対応するSpecializeスキルが必要になります。

Tribal ドルイド向け Alliance CrestAlliance:FeralasのCaryssia Moonhunter
Horde CrestHorde:Stranglethorn-Grom'gol東の川渡った所のトロル
Elemental ローグ(ドルイド)向け Alliance CrestAlliance:Searing GorgeのSarah Tanner
Horde CrestHorde:Arathi HighlandのBrumn Winterhoof - Stromgarde北、Boulderfistのたまり場近くの丘の上
Dragonscale ハンター/シャーマン向け Alliance CrestAlliance:AzsharaのPeter Galen
Horde CrestHorde:BadlandのThorkaf Dragoneye - Uldman裏口の南の方。ドラゴンの谷の入り口右。

Elemental Leatherworking[]

Resist付きの装備が多くあります。Rogue、Feral Druid向きです。

  • Helm of Fire
  • Gauntlets Of The Sea
  • Living Breastplate - drop; Decaying Horror in Western Plaguelands
  • Living Leggings - drop; Deadwood Shaman in Felwood
  • Living Shoulders - sold; Jangdor Swiftstrider and Pratt Mcgrubben in Feralas
  • Shifting Cloak - drop; Knot Thimblejack's Cache in Dire Maul
  • Molten Helm - sold; Lokhtos Darkbargainer of the Thorium Brotherhood
  • Molten Belt - sold; Lokhtos Darkbargainer of the Thorium Brotherhood
  • Stormshroud Armor Set (Rogue、Feral Druid向け)
    • 2 pieces: 5% chance of dealing 15 to 25 Lightning damage on a successful melee attack.
    • 3 pieces: 2% chance on hit to regain 30 energy.
    • 4 pieces: +14 attack power (new in 1.10)
      • Stormshroud Pants (275) - sold; Leonard Porter (A) or Werg Thickblade (H) in limited supply.
      • Stormshroud Armor (285) - drop; Arkkoran Oracles in Azshara
      • Stormshroud Shoulders (295) - drop; Son of Arkkoroc in Azshara
      • Stormshroud Gloves (300) New in 1.10 - drop; of the 4 elementals bosses when elemental invasion is up
  • Volcanic Set Bonus
    • 3 pieces: 5% chance of dealing 15 to 25 Fire damage on a successful melee attack.
      • Volcanic Leggings (270) - drop; Firegut Brute in Burning Steppes
      • Volcanic Breastplate (285) - drop; Firebrand Grunt in Blackrock Spire
      • Volcanic Shoulders (300) - drop; Firebrand Legionnaire in Blackrock Spire
  • Primalstorm Set
      • Primalstorm Brestplate (330) - +30 Agility, +27 Stamina, Improves hit rating by 17, Increase attack power by 60

Dragonscale Leatherworking[]

Dragonscale Armorは全てMailでShamans、Hunter向きです。

  • Dragonscale Gauntlets (225) - Learned from the Dragonscale Leatherworking Trainer
  • Dragonscale Breastplate (255) - Learned from the Dragonscale Leatherworking Trainer
  • Chromatic Cloak (300) - Possible loot inside Knot Thimblejack's Cache in Dire Maul
  • Chromatic Gauntlets (300) - Sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer at Revered Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood
  • Dreamscale Breastplate (300) - Sold by Aendel Windspear at Exalted Reputation with the Cenarion Circle
  • Red Dragonscale Breastplate (300) - Random drop off of General Drakkisath in Blackrock Spire
  • Black Dragonscale Set
    • 2 pieces: Improves your chance to hit by 1%.
    • 3 pieces: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 2%.
    • 4 pieces: +10 Fire resistance.
      • Black Dragonscale Breastplate (290) - Sold by Plugger Spazzring in Limited Supply
      • Black Dragonscale Boots (300) - Sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer at Honored Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood
      • Black Dragonscale Leggings (300) - Random drop off of Anvilrage Captains in Blackrock Depths
      • Black Dragonscale Shoulders (300) - Random drop off of Anvilrage Marshals in Blackrock Depths
  • Blue Dragonscale Set
    • 2 pieces: +4 to all resistances.
    • 3 pieces: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 28.
      • Blue Dragonscale Breastplate (285) - Sold by Blimo Gadgetspring in Limited Supply
      • Blue Dragonscale Shoulders (295) - Random drop off of Cliff Breakers in Azshara
      • Blue Dragonscale Leggings (300) - Learned from the Dragonscale Leatherworking Trainer
  • Green Dragonscale Set
    • 2 pieces: 3 mana every 5 seconds.
    • 3 pieces: Allows 15% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting.
      • Green Dragonscale Breastplate (260) - Sold by Masat T'andr in Limited Supply
      • Green Dragonscale Leggings (270) - Random drop off of the Murk Worms in The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
      • Green Dragonscale Gauntlets (280) - Learned from the Dragonscale Leatherworking Trainer

Tribal Leatherworking[]

IntelligenceとStaminaの付いた装備が多くDruid向き、Devilsaur SetはRogueにも良いでしょう。 * Wolfshead Helm (225) - Learned from Tribal LW Trainer

  • Feathered Breastplate (250) - Learned from Tribal LW Trainer
  • Chimeric Gloves (265) - Recipe sold by Blimo Gadgetspring in Azshara.
  • Chimeric Boots (275) - Random world drop.
  • Chimeric Leggings (280) - Random world drop.
  • Chimeric Vest (290) - Random world drop.
  • Frostsaber Boots (275) - Recipe sold by Qia in Winterspring.
  • Frostsaber Leggings (285) - Drops from Winterfall Den Watchers in Winterspring.
  • Frostsaber Gloves (295) - Drops from Winterfall Totemics in Winterspring.
  • Frostsaber Tunic (300) - Drops from Winterfall Ursa in Winterspring.
  • Warbear Harness (275) - Recipe sold by Meilosh at Friendly Reputation with the Timbermaw Hold
  • Warbear Woolies (285) - Recipe sold by Meilosh at Friendly Reputation with the Timbermaw Hold
  • Corehound Boots (295) - Recipe sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer at Friendly Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood
  • Corehound Belt (300) - Recipe sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer at Revered Reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood
  • Hide of the Wild (300) - Epic drop from Knot Thimblejack's Cache in Dire Maul
  • Ironfeather Set
    • 2 pieces: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 20.
      • Ironfeather Breastplate (290) - Rare drop from Vilebranch Hideskinners in The Hinterlands
      • Ironfeather Shoulders (270) - Recipe sold by Gigget Zipcoil in The Hinterlands
  • Devilsaur Set
    • 2 pieces: Improves your chance to hit by 2%.
      • Devilsaur Leggings (300) - Drops from Oozes in Un'Goro Crater.
      • Devilsaur Gauntlets (290) - Recipe sold by Nergal in Un'Goro Crater.