Cooking (Profession) | |
Ingredients • Cooking proficiencies • Quests • Recipes • Trainers |
- 魚や肉などの食材を加工して、食品を作ります。食品を食べる(右クリック)事により、HPを回復させる事が出来ます。
- 魚は、調理せずともそのまま食べられる物もありますが、加工する事により、回復量を増大させる事ができるようになります。
- また、BUFF などの特殊な効果をもつ食品も作れるようになります。
- 戦闘中に食べることはできませんが、包帯などと違い CoolDown は存在しませんので、戦士など、回復手段を持たない Class にとっては大変役に立つスキルだと言えます。
Trainer List[]
Brilliant Smallfish | 1 | 1x Raw Brilliant Smallfish | - | |
Charred Wolf Meat | 1 | 1x Stringy Wolf Meat | - | |
Crispy Bat Wing | 1 | 1x Meaty Bat Wing, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Gingerbread Cookie | 1 | 1x Small Egg, 1x Holiday Spices | - | |
Herb Baked Egg | 1 | 1x Small Egg, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Roasted Boar Meat | 1 | 1x Chunk of Boar Meat | - | |
Slitherskin Mackerel | 1 | 1x Raw Slitherskin Mackerel | - | |
Kaldorei Spider Kabob | 10 | 1x Small Spider Leg | - | |
Spiced Wolf Meat | 10 | 1x Stringy Wolf Meat, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Scorpid Surprise | 20 | 1x Scorpid Stinger | - | |
Beer Basted Boar Ribs | 25 | 1x Crag Boar Rib, 1x Rhapsody Malt | - | |
Egg Nog | 35 | 1x Small Egg, 1x Ice Cold Milk, 1x Holiday Spirits, 1x Holiday Spices | - | |
Roasted Kodo Meat | 35 | 1x Kodo Meat, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Smoked Bear Meat | 40 | 1x Bear Meat | - | |
Boiled Clams | 50 | 1x Clam Meat, 1x Refreshing Spring Water | - | |
Coyote Steak | 50 | 1x Coyote Meat | - | |
Fillet of Frenzy | 50 | 1x Soft Frenzy Flesh, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Goretusk Liver Pie | 50 | 1x Goretusk Liver, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Loch Frenzy Delight | 50 | 1x Raw Loch Frenzy, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Longjaw Mud Snapper | 50 | 1x Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper | - | |
Rainbow Fin Albacore | 50 | 1x Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore | - | |
Strider Stew | 50 | 1x Strider Meat, 1x Shiny Red Apple | - | |
Blood Sausage | 60 | 1x Bear Meat, 1x Boar Intestines, 1x Spider Ichor | - | |
Thistle Tea | 60 | 1x Swiftthistle, 1x Refreshing Spring Water | - | |
Crab Cake | 75 | 1x Crawler Meat, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Westfall Stew | 75 | 1x Stringy Vulture Meat, 1x Murloc Eye, 1x Goretusk Snout | - | |
Crocolisk Steak | 80 | 1x Crocolisk Meat, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Dry Pork Ribs | 80 | 1x Boar Ribs, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Cooked Crab Claw | 85 | 1x Crawler Claw, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Savory Deviate Delight | 85 | 1x Deviate Fish, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Clam Chowder | 90 | 1x Clam Meat, 1x Ice Cold Milk, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Dig Rat Stew | 90 | 1x Dig Rat | - | |
Murloc Fin Soup | 90 | 2x Murloc Fin, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Bristle Whisker Catfish | 100 | 1x Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish | - | |
Crispy Lizard Tail | 100 | 1x Thunder Lizard Tail, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Redridge Goulash | 100 | 1x Crisp Spider Meat, 1x Tough Condor Meat | - | |
Seasoned Wolf Kabob | 100 | 2x Lean Wolf Flank, 1x Stormwind Seasoning Herbs | - | |
Big Bear Steak | 110 | 1x Big Bear Meat, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Gooey Spider Cake | 110 | 2x Gooey Spider Leg, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Lean Venison | 110 | 1x Stag Meat, 4x Mild Spices | - | |
Succulent Pork Ribs | 110 | 2x Boar Ribs, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Crocolisk Gumbo | 120 | 1x Tender Crocolisk Meat, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Goblin Deviled Clams | 125 | 1x Tangy Clam Meat, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Hot Lion Chops | 125 | 1x Lion Meat, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Lean Wolf Steak | 125 | 1x Lean Wolf Flank, 1x Mild Spices | - | |
Curiously Tasty Omelet | 130 | 1x Raptor Egg, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Tasty Lion Steak | 150 | 2x Lion Meat, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Barbecued Buzzard Wing | 175 | 1x Buzzard Wing, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Carrion Surprise | 175 | 1x Mystery Meat, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Giant Clam Scorcho | 175 | 1x Giant Clam Meat, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Hot Wolf Ribs | 175 | 1x Red Wolf Meat, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Jungle Stew | 175 | 1x Tiger Meat, 1x Refreshing Spring Water, 2x Shiny Red Apple | - | |
Mithril Headed Trout | 175 | 1x Raw Mithril Head Trout | - | |
Mystery Stew | 175 | 1x Mystery Meat, 1x Skin of Dwarven Stout | - | |
Roast Raptor | 175 | 1x Raptor Flesh, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Rockscale Cod | 175 | 1x Raw Rockscale Cod | - | |
Soothing Turtle Bisque | 175 | 1x Turtle Meat, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Dragonbreath Chili | 200 | 1x Mystery Meat, 1x Small Flame Sac, 1x Hot Spices | - | |
Heavy Kodo Stew | 200 | 2x Heavy Kodo Meat, 1x Soothing Spices, 1x Refreshing Spring Water | - | |
Spider Sausage | 200 | 2x White Spider Meat | - | |
Cooked Glossy Mightfish | 225 | 1x Raw Glossy Mightfish, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Filet of Redgill | 225 | 1x Raw Redgill | - | |
Monster Omelet | 225 | 1x Giant Egg, 2x Soothing Spices | - | |
Spiced Chili Crab | 225 | 1x Tender Crab Meat, 2x Hot Spices | - | |
Spotted Yellowtail | 225 | 1x Raw Spotted Yellowtail | - | |
Tender Wolf Steak | 225 | 1x Tender Wolf Meat, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Undermine Clam Chowder | 225 | 2x Zesty Clam Meat, 1x Hot Spices, 1x Ice Cold Milk | - | |
Grilled Squid | 240 | 1x Winter Squid, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Hot Smoked Bass | 240 | 1x Raw Summer Bass, 2x Hot Spices | - | |
Nightfin Soup | 250 | 1x Raw Nightfin Snapper, 1x Refreshing Spring Water | - | |
Poached Sunscale Salmon | 250 | 1x Raw Sunscale Salmon | - | |
Baked Salmon | 275 | 1x Raw Whitescale Salmon, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Lobster Stew | 275 | 1x Darkclaw Lobster, 1x Refreshing Spring Water | - | |
Mightfish Steak | 275 | 1x Large Raw Mightfish, 1x Hot Spices, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Runn Tum Tuber Surprise | 275 | 1x Runn Tum Tuber, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Goldthorn Tea | - | 1x Goldthorn, 1x Refreshing Spring Water | - | |
Heavy Crocolisk Stew | - | 2x Tender Crocolisk Meat, 1x Soothing Spices | - | |
Smoked Desert Dumplings | - | 1x Sandworm Meat, 1x Soothing Spices | - |
Rare Recipe[]
Savory Deviate Delight
Recipe 入手情報(追加情報求む)[]
Recipe は、ごく基礎的な低レベルの物については Trainer で習うことができます。 しかしほとんどの Recipe は、各町の Vendor から購入する必要があります。
Recipe は主に、調理場にいる Chef やバーテンが販売していますが、魚関係の Recipe は Fisherman が販売しています。
また、Supply Vendor が販売しているものや、Mob からの Drop でしか入手できないものもあります。
Horde/Alliance の各陣営でお互い入手できない Recipe も存在します。これにより、各陣営で使用できない食材も出てきます。どうしても調理したい場合は、中立街の AH で入手しなければならないでしょう。
- DesolaceのGelkis村付近から出発するKodoキャラバン(エスコートクエストのやつら)のロボがレシピを数点販売しています。ドラゴン・チリ・ブレスも売ってます。
Horde 初期オススメ Recipe[]
- Roasted Boar Meat (初期Recipe)
- Crispy Bat Wing (Brill:Requires Cooking 1)
- Scorpid Surprise (Razor Hill:Requires Cooking 20)
- Longjaw Mud Snapper (Silverpine Forest海岸:Requires Cooking 50)
Expert 教本[]
- Horde の Expert 本は Desolace の Shadowpray Vilage で売っています。村入って右側、櫓の上にいます。
- Ally の Expert本 は Ashenvale の Mystral Lake で購入可能。
Artisan Quest[]
- Gadgetzan のゴブリンブッチャーより(Quest: Clamlette Surprise)
- スキル225、レベル36から
- 内容は以下の食材を持ってこい、というもの。
- Giant Egg 12個(ハゲワシ系Mobから。Gadgetzan 南にハゲワシの溜まり場あり、The Hinterlands(40-50) にいる Owlbeast 系 Mob もよく落とす。)
- Zesty Clam Meat 10個 (釣り、海ものMob、海底の貝などから、東の海の亀がよく貝を落とすその中身)
- Alterac Swiss 20個 (Desolace(Hordeのみ)、Stormwind のチーズ屋、TN の Innkeeper 等で店売り)
Cooking Quest(確認中)[]
Scorpid Surprise Goretusk Liver Pie Beer Basted Boar Ribs Goretusk Liver Pie Strider Stew Blood Sausage x2 Thistle Tea Westfall Stew Crocolisk Steak Dig Rat Stew x2 Murloc Fin Soup Redridge Goulash Seasoned Wolf Kabob x3 Big Bear Steak Crocolisk Gumbo Hot Lion Chops Curiously Tasty Omelet Tasty Lion Steak Barbecued Buzzard Wing Soothing Turtle Bisque
Daily Quest[]
- Patch 2.3 で導入
- Shattrath City の北部にいる The Rokk から受けることが出来ます。
- 内容は、以下の中からランダムで依頼されますが、どれも最終アイテムを作成するのに料理スキル275以上が必要です。
- [70] Manalicious (Netherstorm)
- [70] Revenge is Tasty (Skettis - Flying)
- [70] Soup for the Soul (Nagrand)
- [70] Super Hot Stew (Blade's Edge Mountains - Flying)
- 報償品は、[Barrel of Fish] か [Crate of Meat] のどちらかを選択と 7G59S
- [Barrel of Fish] には主に魚が、[Crate of Meat]には主に肉類が入っていますが、他にもガラクタや以下の Rare Recipe が入っていることがあります。
- [Recipe: Spicy Hot Talbuk]
- [Recipe: Broiled Bloodfin]
- [Recipe: Skullfish Soup]
- [Recipe: Kibler's Bits]
- [Recipe: Stormchops]
- [Recipe: Delicious Chocolate Cake]
魚料理の Recipe は、主に Fisherman が販売しています。各町に寄った際には必ずチェックしてみましょう。