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Cenarion Circle(Cenariusにちなんで命名された)は、Night ElfとTaurenによるDruidの組織です。 そのメンバーは自然を保護し、悪意を持った力によって破壊された自然の復元に努めています。 Cenarion Circleはいくつかのキャンプを持っていますが。本拠地はMoongladeのNight Elfの町Nighthavenです。 DruidはLv10でNighthavenへのテレポートを習うことが出来ますが 他のClassはFelwoodからTimbermaw Furbolgトンネルを通らなければいけないので Moongladeまでたどり着くまでには通常LV50程度必要です。 Cenarion Circleの他の任務として、SilithusでのQirajiおよびTwilight's Hammerとの戦闘があります。 Cenarion Holdでは様々なItem,Recipeを得ることができCenarion Circleと共に戦うPlayer達の手助けとなることでしょう。

Templar,Duke,Royal の召喚[]

Silithusには3箇所のTwilight's Hammer Campがあり それそれの箇所に1つずつLesser Wind Stone,Wind Stone,Greater Wind Stoneが存在します。 Twilight Cultist 3点set(Cowl,Mantle,Robe)を身に付けLesser Wind Stoneに触れることによりElementalである各Templarを召喚することができます。 上位のWind Stoneでは3点set+Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station(Neck)でDukeを召喚 更に上位のGreater Wind Stoneでは+Twilight Cultist Ring of Lordship(Ring)でRoyalを召喚することができます。

Twilight Cultist 3点set(Cowl,Mantle,Robe)はTwilight系MOBからのDrop Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station(Neck)は下記のChain Quest途中からのRRQで入手することができます。

Lesser Wind Stone
・RequiresTwilight Cultist CowlTwilight Cultist MantleTwilight Cultist Robe
Templar4種、1〜2人で倒せるElite MOB、Abyssal Crestの他に2%程度の確率でRare ItemをDrop
Azure Templar Drop:Amethyst War Staff
Crimson Templar Drop:Crystal Tipped Stiletto
Earthen Templar Drop:Deep Strike Bow
Holay Templar Drop:Stonecutting Glaive
Wind Stone
・RequiresTwilight Cultist CowlTwilight Cultist MantleTwilight Cultist RobeTwilight Cultist Medallion of Station (3x Abyssal Crest + 1x Large Brilliant Shardと交換)
Duke4種、5〜8人で倒せるBoss、Abyssal Signetの他に25%程度の確率でRare ItemをDrop
The Duke of Cynders Drop:Hardened Steel Warhammer , Abyssal Leather Leggings
The Duke of Fathoms Drop:Darkstone Claymore , Abyssal Mail Legguards
The Duke of Shards Drop:Sparkling Crystal Wand , Abyssal Plate Legplates
The Duke of Zephyrs Drop:Soulrender , Abyssal Cloth Pants
Greater Wind Stone
・RequiresTwilight Cultist CowlTwilight Cultist MantleTwilight Cultist RobeTwilight Cultist Medallion of Station (3x Abyssal Crest + 1x Large Brilliant Shardと交換)Twilight Cultist Ring of Lordship (3x Abyssal Signet + 5x Large Brilliant Shardと交換)
Royal4種、20以上必要なRaid級Boss、Abyssal Scepterの他に10-20%程度の確率でEpic / Rare ItemをDrop
Baron Kazum Drop:Earthen Guard , Abyssal Plate Vambraces , Abyssal Cloth Amice
High Marshal Whirlaxis Drop:Windshear Cape , Abyssal Cloth Wristbands , Abyssal Leather Shoulders
Lord Skwol Drop:Wavefront Necklace , Abyssal Mail Armguards , Abyssal Plate Epaulets
Prince Skaldrenox Drop:Elemental Focus Band , Abyssal Leather Bracers , Abyssal Mail Pauldrons

Duke Quest[]

※Requires:Friendly [60] Aurel Goldleaf (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Huum Wildmane 48.37) Aurel Goldleafの話を聞く。 51.38  [60] Dukes of the Council (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Aurel Goldleaf 51.38)  Large Brilliant Shard 1個  Abyssal Crest 3個を持ってくる。   [RRQ] Medallion of Station (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Aurel Goldleaf 51.38)   Large Brilliant Shard 1個   Abyssal Crest 3個でTwilight Cultist Medallion of Stationと交換してもらえる。   [60] Bor Wildmane (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Aurel Goldleaf 51.38)   Bor Wildmaneと話す。 48.37    [60] Signet of the Dukes (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Bor Wildmane 48.37)

   DukeがDropするAbyssal Signetを1つ持ってくる

Royal Quest[]

※Requires:Revered [60] Goldleaf's Discovery (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Huum Wildmane 48.37) Aurel Goldleafの話を聞く。 51.38  [60] Lords of the Council (Elite) (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Aurel Goldleaf 51.38)  Large Brilliant Shard 5個

 Abyssal Signet 3個を持ってくる。   [RRQ] Twilight Ring of Lordship (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Aurel Goldleaf 51.38)   Large Brilliant Shard 5個   Abyssal Signet 3個でTwilight Cultist Ring of Lordshipと交換してもらえる。   [60] Bor Wishes to Speak (Raid) (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Aurel Goldleaf 51.38)   Bor Wildmaneと話す。 48.37    [60] Scepter of the Council (Raid) (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Bor Wildmane 48.37)

   RoyalがDropするAbyssal Scepterを1つ持ってくる


各Beckoningを持っていれば特定のElemantalを召喚することが可能です。 各Beckoning製作にはScrollが必要で ますHive'Regal東の洞窟(67,70)にいるHermit OrtellへEncrypted Twilight Text10枚をturnin すると数時間後にMailでRewardのバッグが届き、その中にランダムでScrollが入っていることがあります。 各Beckonin製作に必要な材料は下記の通り。

Crest of Beckoning (Templar用)

  • Crest of Beckoning: Fire
    • Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (Fire)
    • Rugged Leatherx1
    • Firebloomx1
  • Crest of Beckoning: Earth
    • Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (Earth)
    • Rugged Leatherx1
    • Dense Stonex1
  • Crest of Beckoning: Air
    • Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (Air)
    • Rugged Leatherx1
    • Elemental Airx1
  • Crest of Beckoning: Water
    • Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (Water)
    • Rugged Leatherx1
    • Enchanted Waterx1

Signet of Beckoning (Duke用)

  • Signet of Beckoning: Fire
    • Scroll: Create Signet of Beckoning (Fire)
    • Dark Runex1
    • Firebloomx5
  • Signet of Beckoning: Stone
    • Scroll: Create Signet of Beckoning (Stone)
    • Dark Runex1
    • Dense Stonex5
  • Signet of Beckoning: Thunder
    • Scroll: Create Signet of Beckoning (Thunder)
    • Dark Runex1
    • Elemental Airx5
  • Signet of Beckoning: Water
    • Scroll: Create Signet of Beckoning (Water)
    • Dark Runex1
    • Enchanted Waterx5

Scepters of beckoning (Royal用)

  • Scepter of Beckoning: Fire
    • Scroll: Create Scepters of Beckoning (Fire)
    • Truesilver Rodx1
    • Firebloomx20
  • Scepter of Beckoning: Stone
    • Scroll: Create Scepters of Beckoning (Stone)
    • Truesilver Rodx1
    • Dense Stonex20
  • Scepter of Beckoning: Thunder
    • Scroll: Create Scepters of Beckoning (Thunder)
    • Truesilver Rodx1
    • Elemental Airx20
  • Scepter of Beckoning: Water
    • Scroll: Create Scepters of Beckoning (Water)
    • Truesilver Rodx1
    • Enchanted Waterx20

Field Duty Quest[]

not found (Field Duty.jpg)

Field Duty (Elite) (A) Field Duty (Elite) (H) Ahn'Qirajの門が開かれた後にCenarion HoldのWindcaller Kaldonから受けることができるQuestです。 AllianceはHive'Zora、HordeはHive'RegalのCampでの戦闘に参加しその証を得て下さい (Unsigned Field Duty Papers) Field Duty Questを完了するとより難しいQuestをCombat,Logistic,Tacticalの3種類の中から選択することができます。 各Questのターゲットは1〜10,12種類に分かれていて完了すると各バッジがもらえ、バッジを集めてQuest Rewardと交換します。 Combat QuestCombat QuestはElite虫を30匹倒さなければいけません。3種類のQuestの中で最も時間がかかるQuestでしょう。 Silithusの各Hiveにはそれぞれ5種類の虫がいますが全て地上で発見することができるので無理に巣穴の中へ入る必要はありません。 中にはstealthしている種類やyellow nameもおりMOBのLVもHive毎に異なります。

  • 01. 30x Hive'Ashi Defenders
  • 02. 30x Hive'Ashi Sandstalkers
  • 03. 30x Hive'Ashi Workers
  • 04. 30x Hive'Zora Reavers
  • 05. 30x Hive'Zora Hive Sisters
  • 06. 30x Hive'Zora Waywatchers
  • 07. 30x Hive'Zora Tunnelers
  • 08. 30x Hive'Regal Ambushers
  • 09. 30x Hive'Regal Spitfires
  • 10. 30x Hive'Regal Slavemakers
  • 11. 30x Hive'Regal Burrowers
  • 12. 30x Hive'Ashi Stingers

Logistic Questitemのturnin。4と6はAllianceHordeで異なります。 ※11でRevered reward Questに必要なMark of Remulosがもらえます。

Tactical QuestElite Named狩り&偵察 ※5でExalted reward Questに必要なMark of Cenariusがもらえます。

  • 01. Azure Templarを倒す。 - (Field Duty Questからのchain)
  • 02. Crimson Templarを倒す。 - (からのchain)
  • 03. Earthen Templarを倒す。 - (Field Duty Questからのchain)
  • 04. Hoary Templarを倒す。 - (からのchain)
  • 05. 4種のDukeを倒す - (からのchain)
  • 06. Hive'Zora内にいるAzenalから報告書を受け取る。 - (Field Duty Questからのchain)
  • 07. Hive'Regal内にいるLandionから報告書を受け取る。 - (Field Duty Questからのchain)
  • 08. Hive'Ashi内にいるJaliaから報告書を受け取る。 - (からのchain)
  • 09. Twilight Marauderを倒す。 - (Field Duty Questからのchain)
  • 10. Twilight Prophetを倒しTwilight Battle Ordersを持ってくる。 - (Field Duty Questからのchain)

Quest Rewards

Volunteer's Battlegear
5x Combat3x Logistics7x Tactical
Gloves of Earthen Power Leather gloves, 109 Armor, 9 int, 27 damage/healing
Band of Earthen Wrath Ring, +8 Int, +1% spell crit, +3 mana / 5 seconds
Earthweave Cloak Cloak, 44 Armor, +15 Agi, +1% hit
Veteran's Battlegear
7x Combat4x Logistics4x Tactical
Grace of Earth Trinket, Reduces your threat to enemy targets within 30 yards, making them less likely to attack you.Threat -650,Cooldown 5min
Band of Earthen Might Ring, +6 str, +1% crit, +1% hit
Earthpower Vest Cloth chest, +22 int, +25 damage/healing, +1% spell crit
Stalwart's Battlegear
15x Combat20x Logistics17x Tactical1x Mark of Remulos
Deeprock Bracers Plate wrist, 309 armor, +19 str, +10 agi, +8 sta
Earthcalm Orb Offhand, +10 int, +8 mana/5 seconds, +18 healing
Rockfury Bracers Cloth wrist, 42 armor, +7 Sta, +27 damage/healing, +1% to hit with spells
Might of Cenarius Ring, +8 sta, + 4 weapon damage, +1% to hit
Champion's Battlegear
15x Combat20x Logistics20x Tactical1x Mark of Cenarius
Fist of Cenarius 62.6 DPS 2H Mace (3.5 speed), +40 damage/healing, +2% spell crit
Wrath of Cenarius Ring, Equip: Chance to increase the damage of your spells by +132 damage for 10 seconds
Earthstrike Trinket, Use: Increase melee and ranged attack power by 280 for 20 secs (2 min cooldown).

BadgeのTurnin(200Rep)[60]Allegiance to Cenarion Circle (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Windcaller Kaldon) Cenarion Combat Badge 1個 Cenarion Logistics Badge 1個 Cenarion Tactical Badge 1個を渡す

Class Set Quest[]

各Class毎にRing,Back,1H Weaponの3Set装備がもらえるQuestがあります。 それぞれReputationと材料が必要で、各種Scarab,Idol(BoE)やコアになるItem(BoP)はRuins of Ahn'Qirajで手に入れることができます。 (Silithusの南にある20人用Raid Instance)

Quest Rewards

Symbols of Unending Life (1/3)
3: Your finishing moves now refund 30 energy on a Miss, Dodge, Block, or Parry.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Band of Unending Life Ring Honored Ivory Scarab Bronze Scarab Alabaster Idol Qiraji Magisterial Ring
Cloak of Unending Life Back Revered Silver Scarab Bone Scarab Vermillion Idol Qiraji Regal Drape
Mace of Unending Life Mace Exalted Stone Scarab Crystal Scarab Jasper Idol Qiraji Ornate Hilt
Trappings of the Unseen Path (1/3)
3: Increases your pet's damage by 5%.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Signet of the Unseen Path Ring Honored Clay Scarab Gold Scarab Amber Idol Qiraji Ceremonial Ring
Cloak of the Unseen Path Back Revered Crystal Scarab Stone Scarab Lambent Idol Qiraji Regal Drape
Scythe of the Unseen Path Axe Exalted Bone Scarab Silver Scarab Azure Idol Qiraji Spiked Hilt
Trappings of Vaulted Secrets (1/3)
3: 15% increase to the total damage absorbed by Mana Shield.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Band of Vaulted Secrets Ring Honored Clay Scarab Gold Scarab Azure Idol Qiraji Magisterial Ring
Drape of Vaulted Secrets Back Revered Crystal Scarab Stone Scarab Alabaster Idol Qiraji Martial Drape
Blade of Vaulted Secrets Sword Exalted Bone Scarab Silver Scarab Obsidian Idol Qiraji Ornate Hilt
Battlegear of Eternal Justice (1/3)
3: 20% chance to regain 100 mana when you cast a Judgement.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Ring of Eternal Justice Ring Honored Bone Scarab Silver Scarab Vermillion Idol Qiraji Magisterial Ring
Cape of Eternal Justice Back Revered Clay Scarab Gold Scarab Obsidian Idol Qiraji Regal Drape
Blade of Eternal Justice Sword Exalted vory Scarab Bronze Scarab Amber Idol Qiraji Spiked Hilt
Finery of Infinite Wisdom (1/3)
3: Increases the damage of your Shadow Word: Pain spell by 5%.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Ring of Infinite Wisdom Ring Honored Bone Scarab Silver Scarab Obsidian Idol Qiraji Ceremonial Ring
Shroud of Infinite Wisdom Back Revered Clay Scarab Gold Scarab Jasper Idol Qiraji Martial Drape
Gavel of Infinite Wisdom Mace Exalted vory Scarab Bronze Scarab Lambent Idol Qiraji Ornate Hilt
Emblems of Veiled Shadows (1/3)
3: -10 energy cost for your Slice and Dice ability.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Band of Veiled Shadows Ring Honored Crystal Scarab Stone Scarab Onyx Idol Qiraji Ceremonial Ring
Cloak of Veiled Shadows Back Revered vory Scarab Bronze Scarab Azure Idol Qiraji Martial Drape
Dagger of Veiled Shadows Dagger Exalted Clay Scarab Gold Scarab Vermillion Idol Qiraji Spiked Hilt
Gift of the Gathering Storm (1/3)
3: Increases the chain target damage multiplier of your Chain Lightning spell by 5%.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Ring of the Gathering Storm Ring Honored Bone Scarab Silver Scarab Vermillion Idol: Qiraji Magisterial Ring
Cloak of the Gathering Storm Back Revered Gold Scarab Clay Scarab Obsidian Idol Qiraji Regal Drape
Hammer of the Gathering Storm Mace Exalted Ivory Scarab Bronze Scarab Amber Idol Qiraji Spiked Hilt
Implements of Unspoken Names (1/3)
3: 5% increased damage from your summoned pets' melee attacks and damage spells.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Ring of Unspoken Names Ring Honored Crystal Scarab Stone Scarab Jasper Idol Qiraji Ceremonial Ring
Shroud of Unspoken Names Back Revered Ivory Scarab Bronze Scarab Amber Idol Qiraji Regal Drape
Kris of Unspoken Names Dagger Exalted Clay Scarab Gold Scarab Onyx Idol Qiraji Ornate Hilt
Battlegear of Unyielding Strength (1/3)
3: -2 rage cost to Intercept.
Scarab x5
Scarab x5
Idol x2
Signet of Unyielding Strength Ring Honored Ivory Scarab Bronze Scarab Lambent Idol Qiraji Magisterial Ring
Drape of Unyielding Strength Back Revered Silver Scarab Bone Scarab Onyx Idol Qiraji Martial Drape
Sickle of Unyielding Strength Axe Exalted Stone Scarab Crystal Scarab Alabaster Idol Qiraji Spiked Hilt

The Calling[]

Nature Resist +25のLeg装備がもらえるQuest

[60]Dearest Natalia (Elite) (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Commander Mar'alith) Silithus南のBronzebeard Encampmentへ行きDwarf2人から話を聞いてくる。  [60]Into The Maw of Madness (Elite) (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Commander Mar'alith)  Hive'Regal奥にいるMistress Natalia Mar'alithを倒しThe Fate of Mistress Natalia Mar'alithを持ってくる。  [60]Breaking the Code (Elite) (Silithus:Frankal Stonebridge)  各Hiveの雑魚を倒し  Hive'Ashi Silithid Brain 1個  Hive'Zora Silithid Brain 1個  Hive'Regal Silithid Brain 1個を集めてくる。  [60]Glyph Chasing (Elite) (Silithus:Rutgar Glyphshaper)  各Hive最深部のCrystalでGeologist's Transcription Kitを使用し  Hive'Ashi Rubbing 1個  Hive'Zora Rubbing 1個  Hive'Regal Rubbing 1個を集めてくる。   [60]Unraveling the Mystery (Elite) (Silithus:Rutgar Glyphshaper)   Cenarion HoldのGeologist LarksbaneにGlyphed Crystal Prismを届ける。    [60]The Calling (Raid)(Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Geologist Larksbane)    Cenarion Hold南東にある骨の所(Bones of Grakkarond)でGlyphs of Callingを使いEmissary Roman'khanを召喚    倒してCrystal Unlocking Mechanismを持ってくる。     [60]Armaments of War (Raid) (Silithus/Cenarion Hold:Geologist Larksbane)     Quest Rewardsを受け取る。 Quest Rewards

Nature Resi+25 Leg
Priest Cenarion Reservist's Pants Desert Bloom Gloves
WarlockMage Cenarion Reservist's Pants Sandworm Skin Gloves
Rogue Cenarion Reservist's Leggings Dunestalker's Boots
Druid Cenarion Reservist's Leggings Sandstorm Boots
Shaman Cenarion Reservist's Legguards Wastewalker's Gauntlets
Hunter Cenarion Reservist's Legguards Desertstalkers's Gauntlets
Warrior Cenarion Reservist's Legplates Crystal Encrusted Greaves
Paladin Cenarion Reservist's Legplates Crystal Lined Greaves



  • 1 Twilight系のMOBを倒す。 (〜Honored)
  • 1 Twilight Flamereaverを倒す。 (〜Revered)
  • 1 Twilight Keeperを倒す。 (〜Revered)
  • 3 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj(AQ20)の雑魚MOBを倒す
  • 5 各Templarを倒す。Twilight Cultist Set (Mantle, Cowl,Robe)を着用しlesser wind stoneに触れることでsummonできます。 (〜Revered.)
  • 5 Twilight Lord Everun(Rare)を倒す。
  • 10 各Dukeを倒す。Twilight Cultist Set+Twilight Cultist Medallion of Stationを着用しWind Stoneに触れることでsummonできます。 (〜Revered.)
  • 50 各Royalを倒す Twilight Cultist Set+Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station+Twilight Cultist Ring of Lordshipを着用しGreater Wind Stoneに触れることでsummonできます。
  • 100 10 Encrypted Twilight Textのturnin
  • 50 3 Abyssal Crestのturnin.
  • 100 3 Abyssal Signetのturnin
  • 150 3 Abyssal Scepterのturnin
  • 200 Cenarion Combat Badge/Logistics Badge/Tactical Badge 3つセットでのturnin
  • 25 Field Duty Quest
  • 50 各Logistics, Combat, Tactical Quest
  • 100 The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40)の各bossを倒す。
  • 500 The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40)のC'Thun を倒す。


※Recipeは別途記載。 ※Badge Quest/Class Set Quest完了には一定のReputationが必要です。

  • Friendly
    • [60] Aurel Goldleaf (Duke Quest)を受けることが出来る。
  • Honored
  • Revered
    • [60] Goldleaf's Discovery (Royal Quest)を受けることが出来る。
  • Exalted


Plans: Heavy Obsidian BeltPlans: Ironvine Belt Plans: Light Obsidian BeltPlans: Ironvine Gloves Plans: Ironvine Breastplate -
Formula Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance - -
Pattern: Bramblewood BeltPattern: Spitfire BracersPattern: Sandstalker Bracers Pattern: Bramblewood BootsPattern: Spitfire GauntletsPattern: Sandstalker Gauntlets Pattern: Bramblewood HelmPattern: Spitfire BreastplatePattern: Sandstalker Breastplate Pattern: Dreamscale Breastplate
Pattern: Sylvan ShouldersPattern: Cenarion Herb Bag Pattern: Sylvan Crown Pattern: Gaea's EmbracePattern: Satchel of CenariusPattern: Sylvan Vest -

詳しいRecipeについては公式Pageの方が見やすいのでこちらからどうぞ 公式サイト:Cenarion Circle

Cenarion Circle関連Quest[]

Corruption of Earth and Seed (Maraudon) (A) (H)