World of Warcraft Wiki
World of Warcraft Wiki
場所 Blackrock Mountain
適正LV 52-60
最大収容人数 5 Player
略称 BRD



MAP & Boss[]

Common bosses[]

  • High Interrogator Gerstahn is in the center of the Detention Block.
  • Bael'Gar is found at the western end of the Dark Iron Highway.
  • Lord Roccor appears in the open area adjacent to the Detention Block. (Rare-spawn boss prior to patch 1.10.0)
  • Houndmaster Grebmar hangs out with his dogs underneath the arena.
  • Pyromancer Loregrain near F.F.F.'s statue. (Rare-spawn boss prior to patch 1.10.0)
  • Lord Incendius guards the Black Anvil, at the eastern end of the Dark Iron Highway.
  • Warder Stilgiss guards the Black Vault with his darkhound Verek .
  • Fineous Darkvire wanders the Halls of Crafting.
  • General Angerforge can be found down some stairs to the south of the Manufactory.
  • Golem Lord Argelmach is found in the Manufactory.
  • Hurley Blackbreath, Ribbly Screwspigot, Phalanx, and Plugger Spazzring are found in the Grim Guzzler.
  • Ambassador Flamelash resides alone in the Chamber of Enchantment.
  • The Seven ghosts are found in the Summoners' Tomb. The individual ghosts are: Anger'rel, Hate'rel, Dope'rel, Seeth'rel, Vile'rel, Gloom'rel, and Doom'rel
  • Magmus can be found in the Iron Hall.
  • Emperor Dagran Thaurissan and Princess Moira Bronzebeard can be found in the Emperor's Seat.

Rare bosses[]

  • Once the event in the Ring of Law is activated, it will spawn one wave of non-elite monsters and then one of these mini-bosses:
    • Anub'shiah
    • Eviscerator
    • Gorosh the Dervish
    • Grizzle
    • Hedrum the Creeper
    • Ok'thor the Breaker
  • Panzor the Invincible sometimes appears in the Mold Foundry.
  • Coren Direbrew, a level 73 elite that is part of a Brewfest daily quest.



Alliance 15 Alliance quests
Quest 名称 内容 Quest 入手元 場所
Alliance Crest [56] The Good Stuff Alliance Oralius Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
Alliance Crest [52] Overmaster Pyron (Pre-requisite) Alliance Jalinda Sprig Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
Alliance Crest [56] Incendius! Alliance Jalinda Sprig Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
Alliance Crest [55] Ragnar Thunderbrew (Pre-requisite) Alliance Enohar Thunderbrew Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands
Alliance Crest [55] Hurley Blackbreath Alliance Ragnar Thunderbrew Kharanos, Dun Morogh
Alliance Crest [54] The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan (Pre-requisite) Alliance Royal Historian Archesonus The High Seat, Ironforge
Alliance Crest [54] The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan (2) (Pre-requisite) Alliance Royal Historian Archesonus The High Seat, Ironforge
⇒⇒Alliance Crest [59] Kharan Mighthammer Alliance King Magni Bronzebeard The High Seat, Ironforge
⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [59] Kharan's Tale Alliance Kharan Mighthammer Inside Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [59] The Bearer of Bad News Alliance Kharan Mighthammer Inside Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [59] The Fate of the Kingdom Alliance King Magni Bronzebeard The High Seat, Ironforge
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [59] The Princess's Surprise Alliance Princess Moira Bronzebeard Imperial Seat, Blackrock Depths
Horde Icon Small Horde quests
Quest 名称 内容 Quest 入手元 場所
Horde Crest [55] Vivian Lagrave (Pre-requisite) Badlands/Kargath の Shadowmaster Vivian Lagrave と話す Horde Apothecary Zinge Undercity
Horde Crest [55D] Lost Thunderbrew Recipe Bar の倉庫の酒樽を破壊すると Blackbreath Crony、Hurley Blackbreath が襲ってくるので、倒して Lost Thunderbrew Recipe を持ってくる Horde Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave Kargath, Badlands
Horde Crest [52] Disharmony of Flame (Pre-requisite) Instance 入り口付近にいる Fire Elemental 系の Overmaster Pyron を倒してくる Horde Thunderheart Kargath, Badlands
Horde Crest [56D] Disharmony of Fire Lord Incendius(Fire Elemental 系 Named)を倒し Tablet of Kurniya を持ってくる Horde Thunderheart Kargath, Badlands
Horde Crest [54D] The Last Element Essence of the Elements を持ってくる(Drop:Fire Elemantal系) Horde Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave Kargath, Badlands
Horde Crest [52D] Commander Gor'shak BRD に入って右の牢屋で Commander Gor'shak を探す Horde Galamav the Marksman Kargath, Badlands
⇒⇒Horde Crest [54D] What Is Going On? (1) Gor'shak を守る Horde Commander Gor'shak Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒Horde Crest [54D] What Is Going On? (2) 向かいの牢屋で Kharan Mighthammer と話し、その情報を Orgrimmar の Thrall へ伝える Horde Commander Gor'shak Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒Horde Crest [54] The Eastern Kingdoms 次の Quest を受ける準備ができたら Thrall と話す Horde Thrall Orgrimmar
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Horde Crest [59D] The Royal Rescue Emperor Dagran Thaurissan を倒し Princess Moira Bronzebeard を解放する Horde Thrall Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Horde Crest [60D] The Princess Saved? Orgrimmar の Thrall へ報告する Alliance Princess Moira Bronzebeard Blackrock Depths
Horde Crest [52D] KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves Anvilrage Footman 5匹 Anvilrage Warden 10匹(Instance内外) Anvilrage Guardsman 15匹を倒し Kargath の Warlord Goretooth へ報告する Horde WANTED (Badlands) Kargath, Badlands
Horde Crest [54D] KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials Anvilrage Officer 10匹  Anvilrage Soldier 10匹  Anvilrage Medic 10匹を倒し Kargath の Warlord Goretooth へ報告する Horde KILL ON SIGHT Kargath, Badlands
⇒⇒Horde Crest [58] Grark Lorkrub Burning Steppes で Grark Lorkrub を探し Thorium Shackles を使う Horde Lexlort Kargath, Badlands
⇒⇒⇒Horde Crest [58] Precarious Predicament Grark Lorkrub のエスコート Neutral Grark Lorkrub Blackrock Stronghold, Burning Steppes
⇒⇒⇒⇒Horde Crest [58D] Operation: Death to Angerforge BRD で General Angerforge を倒してくる Horde Warlord Goretooth Kargath, Badlands
Horde Crest [54] Rise of the Machines (Pre-requisite) Burning Steppes で Fractured Elemental Shard を集めてくる(Drop:ゴーレム系) Horde Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania Kargath, Badlands
Horde Crest [54] Rise of the Machines (2) (Pre-requisite) Elemental Shard Sample を Lotwil Veriatus まで届ける Horde Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania Kargath, Badlands
⇒⇒Horde Crest [54] Rise of the Machines (3) Intact Elemental Core(Drop:ゴーレム系)を10個と Argelmach の頭(Head of Argelmach)を持ってくる Horde Lotwil Veriatus East of Kargath, Badlands
Neutral 15 Neutral quests
Quest 名称 内容 Quest 入手元 場所
Neutral [52] Dark Iron Legacy (1) (Pre-requisite) Franclorn Forgewright の話を聞く Neutral Franclorn Forgewright Blackrock Mountain
Neutral [52D] Dark Iron Legacy (2) Fineous Darkvire を倒しハンマー(Ironfel)を手に入れ、Shrine of Thaurissan の Monument of Franclorn Forgewright(石像)にハンマーを置いてくる Neutral Franclorn Forgewright Blackrock Mountain
Neutral [60D] Attunement to the Core Blackrock Depths の奥 Molten Core の入口 Portal 左の黒い岩 Obj から Core Fragment(Obj) を持ってくる Neutral Lothos Riftwaker Blackrock Mountain
Neutral [54D] The Love Potion Gromsblood:4個(Herb) Giant Silver Vein:10個(Drop:AzsharaのGiant系)と Nagmara's Vial に Un'Goro Crater の Golakka Hot Springs で水を汲んでくる Neutral Mistress Nagmara Blackrock Depths
Neutral [53] Yuka Screwspigot (Pre-requisite) Burning Steppes の北東にいる Yuka Screwspigot と話す Neutral Yorba Screwspigot Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris
Neutral [53D] Ribbly Screwspigot Bar にいる Ribbly Screwspigot を倒し、頭(Ribbly's Head)を持ってくる Neutral Yuka Screwspigot Flame Crest, Burning Steppes
Neutral [55D] The Heart of the Mountain 金庫部屋の金庫を全部開けると中央の金庫に The Heart of the Mountain(obj) が出現するので持ってくる Neutral Maxwort Uberglint Flame Crest, Burning Steppes
Neutral [54] A Taste of Flame (1) (Pre-requisite) Neutral Cyrus Therepentous Slither Rock, Burning Steppes
Neutral [54] A Taste of Flame (2) (Pre-requisite) 準備ができたらもう一度話しかけると Frenzied Black Drake が出現するので、倒して Black Dragonflight Molt を持ってくる Neutral Cyrus Therepentous Slither Rock, Burning Steppes
⇒⇒Neutral [58] A Taste of Flame (3) Bael'Gar を倒した後に死体に Black Dragonflight Molt を使い Encased Fiery Essenceを持ってくる Neutral Cyrus Therepentous Slither Rock, Burning Steppes
Alliance 15 Alliance discontinued quests (Please note that as of Patch 3.0.2 this chain is no longer available, though if you still have the quest Drakefire Amulet in your log from pre 3.0.2, you can still complete that section)
Quest 名称 内容 Quest 入手元 場所
Alliance Crest [54] Dragonkin Menace (Pre-requisite) Alliance Helendis Riverhorn Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
Alliance Crest [54] The True Masters (1) (Pre-requisite) Alliance Helendis Riverhorn Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
⇒⇒Alliance Crest [54] The True Masters (2) (Pre-requisite) Alliance Magistrate Solomon Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains
⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [54] The True Masters (3) (Pre-requisite) Alliance Highlord Bolvar Fordragon Stormwind
⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [54] The True Masters (4) (Pre-requisite) Alliance Highlord Bolvar Fordragon Stormwind
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [54] The True Masters (5) (Pre-requisite) Alliance Magistrate Solomon Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [54] The True Masters (6) (Pre-requisite) Alliance Marshal Maxwell Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [54] Marshal Windsor Alliance Marshal Maxwell Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [54] Abandoned Hope Alliance Marshal Windsor Inside Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [58] A Crumpled Up Note Alliance A Crumpled Up Note Inside Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [58] A Shred of Hope Alliance Marshal Windsor Inside Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [58] Jail Break! Alliance Marshal Windsor Inside Blackrock Depths
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [60] Stormwind Rendezvous Alliance Marshal Maxwell Burning Steppes
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [60] The Great Masquerade Alliance Reginald Windsor Stormwind City
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [60] The Dragon's Eye Alliance Highlord Bolvar Fordragon Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City
⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒Alliance Crest [60] Drakefire Amulet Alliance Haleh Mazthoril, Winterspring

Alliance / Horde共通[]

  • [52] Dark Iron Legacy (Dungeon) (Blackrock Mountain:Franclorn Forgewright)
  • [52] Dark Iron Legacy (Dungeon) (Blackrock Mountain:Franclorn Forgewright)
    • Fineous Darkvireを倒しハンマー(Ironfel)を手に入れ、Shrine of Thaurissan の Monument of Franclorn Forgewright(石像)にハンマーを置いてくる
    • 石像まで行くには、Fineous Darkvire を倒した後に金庫部屋前→階段を上って小部屋→橋を渡って行く
    • もしくはArena(Ring)での戦いに勝ち堂々と観客席を通って行く方法があります(Arenaで勝つと観客席への階段を上れるようになり、攻撃もされない)
    • Reward:Shadowforge Key
  • [53] Yuka Screwspigot (Dungeon) (Tanaris/Steamwheedle Port:Yorba Screwspigot)
  • [53] Ribbly Screwspigot (Dungeon) (Burning Steppes:Yuka Screwspigot)
  • [54] The Love Potion (Dungeon) (Blackrock Depths/Bar:Mistress Nagmara)
    • Gromsblood:4個(Herb) Giant Silver Vein:10個と(Drop:AzsharaのGiant系)
    • Nagmara's Vial に Un'Goro Crater の Golakka Hot Springs で水を汲んでくる 31.50(Nagmara's Filled Vial)
  • [55] The Heart of the Mountain (Burning Steppes:Maxwort Uberglint)
    • 金庫部屋の金庫を全部開けると中央の金庫に The Heart of the Mountain(obj) が出現するので持ってくる
  • 鍵(Relic Coffer Key)は雑魚Dropの消費型
  • [54] A Taste of Flame (Elite) (Burning Steppes:Cyrus Therepentous)
    • 準備ができたらもう一度話しかけると Frenzied Black Drake が出現するので、倒して Black Dragonflight Molt を持ってくる
  • [58] A Taste of Flame (Dungeon) (Burning Steppes:Cyrus Therepentous)
  • [60] Attunement to the Core (Dungeon) (Blackrock Mountain:Lothos Riftwaker)
    • Blackrock Mountain の Lothos Riftwaker 横の窓から Molten Core 入り口までショートカットするために必要な Quest
    • Blackrock Depths の奥 Molten Core の入口 Portal 左の黒い岩 Obj から Core Fragment(Obj) を持ってくる




  • [52] KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves (Badlands/Kargath:WANTED)
    • Anvilrage Footman 5匹 Anvilrage Warden 10匹(Instance内外) Anvilrage Guardsman 15匹を倒し Kargath の Warlord Goretooth へ報告する
  • [54] KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials (Badlands/Kargath:WANTED)
    • Anvilrage Officer 10匹  Anvilrage Soldier 10匹  Anvilrage Medic 10匹を倒し Kargath の Warlord Goretooth へ報告する
  • [58] Grark Lorkrub (Badlands/Kargath:Lexlort)
  • [58] Precarious Predicament (Burning Steppes:Grark Lorkrub)
  • [58] Operation: Death to Angerforge (Badlands/Kargath: Warlord Goretooth)
  • [54] The Rise of the Machines (Badlands/Kargath:Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania)
  • [54] The Rise of the Machines (Badlands/Kargath:Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania)
  • [58] The Rise of the Machines (Badlands/The Dustbowl:Lotwil Veriatus 25.44)
  • Intact Elemental Core(Drop:ゴーレム系)を10個と Argelmach の頭(Head of Argelmach)を持ってくる
  • [55] Vivian Lagrave (Dungeon) (The Undercity/The Apothecarium:Apothecary Zinge)
  • [55] Lost Thunderbrew Recipe (Badlands/Kargath:Shadowmaster Vivian Lagrave)
    • Bar の倉庫の酒樽を破壊すると Blackbreath Crony、Hurley Blackbreath が襲ってくるので、倒して Lost Thunderbrew Recipe を持ってくる
  • [52] Disharmony of Flame (Dungeon) (Badlands/Kargath:Thunderheart)
  • [56] Disharmony of Fire (Badlands/Kargath:Thunderheart)
  • [52] Commander Gor'shak (Badlands/Kargath:Galamav the Marksman)
    • [52] Disharmony of Flame (Dungeon)からの chain
    • BRD に入って右の牢屋で Commander Gor'shak を探す、要 Prison Cell Key(Drop:High Interrogator Gerstahn)
  • [52] What Is Going On? (Blackrock Depths:Commander Gor'shak)
  • [54] What Is Going On? (Blackrock Depths:Commander Gor'shak)
  • [54] The Eastern Kingdom (Orgrimma:Thrall)
  • [59] The Royal Rescue (Orgrimma:Thrall)
  • [60] The Princess Saved? (Blackrock Depths:Princess Moira Bronzebeard)
  • [54] The Last Element (Elite) (Badlands/Kargath:Shadowmaster Vivian Lagrave)



ファイル:Shadowforge Key.png Shadowforge Key 近道用のKey Pick Lock=×
Truesilver Skeleton Key=?
[52] Dark Iron Legacy (Dungeon) Reward
ファイル:Relic Coffer Key.png Relic Coffer Key (Charge1) 金庫のKey Pick Lock=?
Truesilver Skeleton Key=?
ファイル:Prison Cell Key.png Prison Cell Key 牢屋のKey Pick Lock=?
Truesilver Skeleton Key=?
Drop:High Interrogator Gerstahn
ファイル:Relic Coffer Key.png Grim Guzzler Key Bar裏口のKey Pick Lock=?
Truesilver Skeleton Key=?
Pick Pocket:Plugger Spazzring
ファイル:Dark Keeper Key.png Dark Keeper Key (Charge1) Dark CofferのKey Pick Lock=X
Truesilver Skeleton Key=X
Drop:Dark Keeper*****
