Lord Roccor Bael'Gar Houndmaster Grebmar High Interrogator Gerstahn Ring of the Law Pyromancer Loregrain General Angerforge Golem Lord Argelmach Ribbly Screwspigot Hurley Blackbreath Plugger Spazzring Phalanx Lord Incendius Fineous Darkvire Warder Stilgiss & Verek Dark Keeper Ambassador Flamelash The Seven Magmus Princess Moira Bronzebeard Emperor Dagran Thaurissan
Lower Blackrock Spire (5)
Burning Felguard Spirestone Butcher Spirestone Battle Lord Spirestone Lord Magus Highlord Omokk Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin War Master Voone Mor Grayhoof Bannok Grimaxe Mother Smolderweb Crystal Fang Quartermaster Zigris Halycon Gizrul the Slavener Ghok Bashguud Overlord Wyrmthalak
Razorgore the Untamed Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Broodlord Lashlayer Firemaw Ebonroc Flamegor Chromaggus Nefarian
Blackrock Caverns (5)
Rom'ogg Bonecrusher Corla, Herald of Twilight Karsh Steelbender Beauty Ascendant Lord Obsidius
Blackwing Descent (10/25)
Omnotron Defense System Magmaw Atramedes Chimaeron Maloriak Nefarian's End
Upper Blackrock Spire (5)
Orebender Gor'ashan Kyrak Commander Tharbek Ragewing the Untamed Warlord Zaela
Upper Blackrock Spire a Blackrock Spire felső szintjein található. A terület komplex, jelneleg az Iron HordeAzeroth-i expedíciójának, az Ironmarch-nak a bázisaként funkcionál Warlord Zaela vezetésével. Korábban ez a terület a Dark Horde és a Nefarianfekete sárkánynemzettségének befolyása alá tartozott. A sárkánynemzetség megmaradt tagjai még most is megtalálhatóak ezen területen.
The history of this imposing fortress is long and complex. Carved into the fiery core of Blackrock Mountain by the Dark Iron clan centuries ago, and eventually taken by the black dragon Nefarian and his brood, the upper reaches of Blackrock Spire are now home to the Ironmarch vanguard. As preparations to use the Spire as the staging ground for a full-scale invasion of Azeroth continue, the Iron Horde has set up a terrifying contingency plan: a doomsday weapon within the heart of Blackrock Mountain.
Patch 6.0.2 (patch időpontja: 2014-10-14): Különvált a Lower Blackrock Spire instance-tól, újraalkotva level 100-as playerek számára. Az encounterek tükrözik az történet jelenlegi alakulását a Warlords of Draenor kiegészítő kezdetén. Részben kibővítve. Blackwing Lair bejárat áttéve Blackrock Moutain-ba.
Blackrock Stadium ·Chamber of Battle ·Dragonspire Hall ·The Furnace ·Hall of Binding ·Hall of Blackhand ·Halycon's Lair ·Hordemar City ·Mok'Doom ·The Rookery ·Skitterweb Tunnels ·Spire Throne ·The Storehouse ·Tazz'Alaor
Azjol-Nerub (Azjol-Nerub ·Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom) ·Chamber of Aspects (Obsidian Sanctum ·Ruby Sanctum) ·Crusaders' Coliseum (Trial of the Champion ·Trial of the Crusader ·Trial of the Grand Crusader) ·Drak'Tharon Keep ·Gundrak ·Icecrown Citadel (The Forge of Souls ·Pit of Saron ·Halls of Reflection ·Icecrown Citadel) ·Naxxramas ·Nexus (The Nexus ·Oculus ·Eye of Eternity) ·Ulduar (Halls of Stone ·Halls of Lightning ·Ulduar) ·Utgarde (Utgarde Keep ·Utgarde Pinnacle) ·Vault of Archavon ·The Violet Hold
Gate of the Setting Sun ·Heart of Fear ·Mogu'shan Palace ·Mogu'shan Vaults ·Shado-Pan Monastery ·Siege of Niuzao Temple ·Siege of Orgrimmar ·Stormstout Brewery ·Temple of the Jade Serpent ·Terrace of Endless Spring ·Throne of Thunder