WoWWiki Ελληνικός οδηγός
Item iLevel DPS Speed STR AGI AP Hit Crit Haste Ignore Expertise Sockets Source
[Vengeful Gladiator's Chopper] 146 103.1 2.6 34 8 21 49 Arena Reward - 1125 Arena point
[Vengeful Gladiator's Hacker] 146 103.1 1.5 34 8 21 49 Arena Reward - 1125 Arena point
[Merciless Gladiator's Cleaver] 136 97.7 2.6 30 10 19 Arena Reward - 2283 Arena point
[Merciless Gladiator's Hacker] 136 97.7 1.5 30 10 19 Arena Reward - 978 Arena point
[Gladiator's Cleaver] 123 91.2 2.6 28 9 15 Honor Reward - 18,000 Honor point 20 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor
[Gladiator's Hacker] 123 91.0 1.5 28 9 15 Honor Reward - 9,000 Honor point 20 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor
[Rising Tide] 141 100.2 2.6 44 21 Black Temple - High Warlord Naj'entus
<imagelink>APB Skill Blacksmithing.png|Blacksmithing</imagelink>[Wicked Edge of the Planes] 136 97.6 2.70 48 23 Master Axesmith
[Netherbane] 134 96.5 2.60 21 40 Tempest Keep - Al'ar
[Breeching Comet] 125 92.1 2.60 18 (+3) MGT - Kael'thas Sunstrider
[The Decapitator] 125 92.1 2.60 27 Karazhan - Prince Malchezaar
<imagelink>APB Skill Blacksmithing.png|Blacksmithing</imagelink>[Black Planar Edge] 123 91.1 2.70 44 21 Master Axesmithing
<imagelink>APB Skill Blacksmithing.png|Blacksmithing</imagelink>[The Planar Edge] 107 84.3 2.70 42 20 Master Axesmith
[Fel Edged Battleaxe] 105 83.4 2.20 14 21 Master Axesmith
[Bogreaver] 115 71.8 1.7 28 18 Heroic Underbog - Swamplord Musel'ek
[Firebrand Battleaxe] 115 71.8 1.7 17 Heroic Blood Furnace - Broggok
[Sun-forged Cleaver] 115 71.7 2.6 28 13 15 MGT - Selin Fireheart
[The Harvester of Souls] 115 71.7 2.6 16 16 Heroic Auchenai Crypts - Exarch Maladaar
[Stellaris] 115 71.6 1.9 22 Heroic Mech - Nethermancer Sepethrea