WoWWiki Ελληνικός οδηγός

50 Coins of Ancestry is related to the achievement, To Honor One's Elders.

INV Misc ElvenCoins Neutral 15 50 Coins of Ancestry 10 <imagelink>Money_achievement.png
Receive 50 Coin of Ancestry.


Each elder visited rewards 1 Coin of Ancestry. As of the 2009 Lunar Festival, there are a total of 75 elders in Azeroth, Outland, and Northrend combined. For the locations of all the elders in the Lunar Festival, please see the Elders article.


  • Money achievement A Coin of Ancestry
  • Money achievement 5 Coins of Ancestry
  • Money achievement 10 Coins of Ancestry
  • Money achievement 25 Coins of Ancestry
  • Money achievement 50 Coins of Ancestry

External links[]
