- 10-player Heroic mode
- 10-player mode
- 100000 Honorable Kills
- 10000 Honorable Kills
- 1000 Honorable Kills
- 100 Honorable Kills
- 25-player Heroic mode
- 25-player mode
- 25000 Honorable Kills
- 5-player Heroic mode
- 5-player mode
- 50000 Honorable Kills
- 5000 Honorable Kills
- 500 Honorable Kills
- 50 Coins of Ancestry
- Ability
- Absorb
- Account
- Act
- Action Bar
- Active
- Adamantite Rod
- Add
- Adventurer
- Aggressive
- Aggro
- Aggro Dumping
- Aggro Magnet
- Aggro lock
- Aggro radius
- Agility equivalence points
- Alliance Battle Standard
- Alliance territory
- Alt
- Alther's Mill
- Ammo Pouch
- Ammunition
- Amphibious
- Amphitheater of Anguish
- An Honorable Kill
- An Unsent Letter
- Anesthetic Poison
- Anti-Venom
- Anvil
- Apprentice
- Aquatic Form
- Arcane
- Arcane Bomb
- Arcane resistance
- Arcanite Barding
- Arcanite Skeleton Key
- Arcanum of Protection
- Arcanum of the Defender
- Archdruid
- Archer
- Area Drop
- Area damage caps
- Area of Effect
- Arena (disambiguation)
- Arena Floor
- Arena team rating
- Armor
- Armor penetration
- Arrow
- Artifact
- Artificial intelligence
- Artisan
- Aspect
- Assassination-Tree
- At War
- Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (Warlock)
- Attack
- Attack Rating
- Attack power
- Attack speed
- Attack speed improvement
- Attack table
- Auchenai
- Auction
- Auction House
- Aura
- Auto-cast
- Autoloot
- Autorun
- Autumn's Glow
- Avatar
- Avian
- Aviana
- Avoidance (attack table)
- Axe
- Axe of Frozen Death
- Azure Moonstone
- Azuresong Mageblade
- BC DPS equipment (accessories)
- BC DPS equipment (accessories)/Back
- BC DPS equipment (accessories)/Neck
- BC DPS equipment (accessories)/Rings
- BC DPS equipment (accessories)/Trinkets
- BC DPS equipment (leather)
- BC DPS equipment (leather)/Chest
- BC DPS equipment (leather)/Feet
- BC DPS equipment (leather)/Hands
- BC DPS equipment (leather)/Legs
- BC DPS equipment (leather)/Shoulders
- BC DPS equipment (leather)/Waist
- BC DPS equipment (leather)/Wrist
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Axe
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Axe (2H)
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Bow
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Crossbow
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Dagger
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Gun
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Mace
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Mace (2H)
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Polearm
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Staff
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Sword
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Sword (2H)
- BC DPS equipment (weapons)/Unarmed
- BC rogue equipment
- B Rez
- Backfire
- Backpack
- Backup tank
- Bag
- Bag slot
- Bag slots
- Band of Eternity (Restorer, Revered)
- Bandage
- Bank
- Bank sitting
- Bar
- Bar (establishment)
- Barbershop interface
- Barding
- Barrens chat
- Bartender
- Base class
- Base health
- Base mana
- Basic Campfire
- Battered Junkbox
- Battle Plan
- Battle Resurrect
- Battle Rez
- Battle Standard
- Battle for survival
- Battleground
- Battlegroup
- Bear Form
- Bear Form/Talents
- Beast
- Beta
- Beve Perenolde
- BiS
- Bid
- Big Bronze Bomb
- Big Iron Bomb
- Binary spell
- Bind
- Bind on Equip
- Bind on Pickup
- Bind on Use
- Bind point
- Bind to Account
- Bio
- Bird of prey
- Blackened Defias Armor
- Blacklist
- Blackrock Depths Dark Iron stealth mining guide
- Bleed
- Blessed Arcanite Barding
- Blessed Book of Nagrand
- Blight (plague)
- Blinding Powder
- Blinkstrike
- Blip
- Blizzard Repair
- Block
- Block cap
- Block rating
- Block value
- Blood Curse
- Blood Garnet
- Bloodstone
- Bloodthistle Withdrawal
- Blue Rocket Cluster
- Blue post
- Bluewall
- Boat
- Body pull
- Body pulling
- Bolt
- Bolt of Soulcloth
- Bomb
- Bonus armor
- Book
- Boomstick
- Boots of Courage Unending
- Borean Smasher
- Boss
- Boss Drop
- Bot (character)
- Bow
- Breastplate of the Wayward Conqueror
- Breath
- Breath Status Bar
- Brez
- Brood of Nozdormu set
- Bubble
- Bubble Hearth
- Buff
- Buffet
- Bug
- Building
- Bullet
- Bunny triggers
- Burn
- Burst damage
- Buyout
- By the light
- Camp
- Cap
- Cape of the Brotherhood
- Capital
- Captain (term)
- Carebear
- Cash on Delivery
- Casinos
- Cast time
- Caster
- Caster stats
- Casting speed
- Casual
- Casual raiding
- Cat Form
- Cauldron (alchemy)
- Cenarion Enclave
- Chalcedony
- Champion's Fire Opal
- Champion's Huge Citrine
- Champion's Monarch Topaz
- Chance on critical hit
- Chance on hit
- Chance on spell critical hit
- Chance on spell hit
- Chance on use
- Channeling
- Character
- Character info
- Charges
- Charm
- Charm of Alacrity
- Chat
- Chat Channels
- Cheat
- Cheating
- Chest
- Chest/table
- Choosing a class
- Circle of Blood
- Circle of Blood Arena
- Circle of Wills
- Civilian
- Class
- Class ideas
- Class leader
- Class proficiencies
- Class trainer
- Clearcasting
- Cleared
- Cleft of Shadow
- Client
- Cloak
- Closed beta
- Closed zone
- Closing
- Cloth
- Cloth Wearer
- Cloth armor
- Clothadin
- Clothie
- Clown Suit vs Nightslayer
- Cobalt Frag Bomb
- Combat
- Combat Log
- Combat potion
- Combat zone
- Combo point
- Commendation of Kael'thas
- Common (language)
- Common (quality)
- Companion
- Conical
- Conjured item
- Conqueror's
- Console
- Constant returns
- Consumable
- Container
- Contender
- Content patch
- Contested territory
- Cookie cutter
- Cooking Fire
- Cooldown
- Coordinates
- Copper
- Corpse
- Corpse camping
- Corpse jumping
- Corpse running
- Corsair's Overshirt
- Creature
- Creep
- Crescent Key
- Crimson Spinel
- Crippling Poison
- Critical strike
- Critical strike rating gems
- Crossbow
- Crowd control
- Cruel Barb
- Crusader
- Crushing blow
- Crystal (enchanting)
- Crystalforge Chestpiece
- Crystalforge Greathelm
- Crystalforge Leggings
- Curing
- Currency
- Currency tab
- Curse
- Cut Scene
- Cut gems adjective table
- DPS race
- Dagger
- Dalaran Arena
- Dalaran Cooking Award
- Damage
- Damage mitigation
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