Harpy |
Soubor:HarpyMG.JPG |
Classification | Medium Monstrous Humanoid |
Frakce/Členství | Bloodsing |
In-game třídy (classy) | Windwitch |
Rasový Vůdce(Vůdci) | Various |
Rasový mount | Kodo |
Domovský svět | Azeroth |
Prostředí | Temperate and warm hills and mountains |
Oblast(i) | Kalimdor, particularly Durotar, Mulgore, Ashenvale, Teldrassil |
Mateřský/primární jazyk(y) | Darnassian[1] Low Common |
Průměrná výška | 5 - 6 ft |
Hmotnost | 120 - 300 lbs |
Organization(s) | Solitary, pair, or flight |
Seskupení | Usually chaotic evil |
Sources: Monster Guide, 87-88 |
{{Infobox race
| name =
| image =
| type =
| faction =
| character =
| capital =
| leader =
| mount =
| homeworld =
| environment =
| area =
| language =
| slang =
| exact =
| height =
| weight =
| organization =
| alignment =
| source =
- Valid field entries
- name: race name.
- image: ideal picture of race (RPG image preferred over in-game).
- type: what the creature is classified as (as defined by RPG books).
- faction: major groups affiliated with.
- character: the classes associated with this race (keep assumptions to a minimum).
- capital: capital in which the races calls home.
- leader: the racial leader or leaders.
- mount: the creature this race uses as a mount.
- homeworld: where the race lives (most often Azeroth).
- environment: the environment(s) in which the race is often found.
- area: the areas in which they can be found.
- language: the main language they speak.
- slang: their secondary languages.
- exact: exact height range.
- height: their average height.
- weight: average weight.
- organization: groups in which they can be found (examples: Flights, pairs, tribes, clans).
- alignment: their alignment (examples: Neural, evil, chaotic evil).
- source: source given (should be a RPG book).
- ↑ Warcraft: Legends Volume 2, Miles to Go